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LED lighting companies focus on R & D

In 2008, the production scale of LED display in China accounted for 70% of the global market, and in 2010, it increased to. At the same time, China's LED display manufacturers are also rapidly expanding their scale, as of the end of 2010, the annual output value of China's LED display enterprises have reached more than more than and 40 yuan.

At present, China's LED application industry market concentration is low, in which the LED display industry regional concentration is high, mainly in East China and Southern China region. Shenzhen is the main production base of China's LED display industry, accounting for 41% of the country's market share. At the same time, China is also the world's LED display manufacturing base.

As one of the most promising emerging industries, in the process of ups and after competing sought after investment overheating, industry "reshuffle", China is in the development of LED industry, how can in a new round of "shuffle" and "racing" in seeking the opportunity? Market demand led to LED "but, in the promotion of the application of scientific and technological achievements, the Ministry of science and technology has played a huge role in promoting.

LED lighting companies focus on R & D

People familiar with the "Ten City million" semiconductor lighting application engineering, the Ministry of science and technology in 2009 to promote the implementation of the. There is no doubt that science and technology is the first productive forces, the development of LED industry is inseparable from the development of high-tech, not to mention China's current LED technology is not the most advanced. Now foreign countries have been studying the third generation of LED, but we have not done a good job of the second generation. If things go on like this, China's LED industry is bound to heteronomy. Government subsidies and support for LED lighting policy, indicating China's determination to popularize LED lighting. Under the strong support of the policy, some experts predict that as soon as possible, in 2015, LED lighting market share in China will reach 20%, driven industrial scale of $500 billion.

In addition to financial subsidies, the industry believes that the industry development situation, development is a very important part of the research and development of support from the government is of great significance for the industry, the national level to support industrial development in the project development or industrialization, strengthen the construction of the industrial chain. The construction of the industrial chain, the experts recommended that we should not only strengthen the cooperation before and after the process, but also to strengthen the cooperation of regional industry; government support not only considers a key enterprises, but to the related industry chain into account, choose a few enterprises matching it with the support. Insiders also believe that there is an urgent need to expand the pilot demonstration, because both the formulation of fiscal subsidies, R & D support or standard, countries have to vigorously promote, but also saw a significant effect. Only pilot demonstration is still relatively small, at the same time due to the operation mode is not mature enough, the effect of the pilot demonstration has not been shown.

Due to the lack of domestic market demand, many LED manufacturers began to explore overseas markets, but blindly rely on overseas exports is not the future direction of the LED industry. The author believes that, in order to solve the structural overcapacity crisis in the LED industry, we need to start from two aspects of the enterprise itself and the government. From the point of view of the enterprise itself, on the one hand is to actively expand the domestic market; on the other hand is to strengthen the field of mergers and acquisitions in the low-end areas while increasing the core technology research and development.

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