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LED lighting development channel construction is the primary reason

At present, with the deepening of market competition, enterprises are facing more severe challenges, especially the "channel" as the short board LED enterprise has been more and more obvious, the enterprise CEO are on the more special important position, obviously, in the pursue "channel is king" era, how to establish a more competitive business model especially expand marketing channels, how to win and win the market has become the industry issues of common concern. Enterprises in order to gain a place in the LED market, we must strengthen the LED.

LED do today, accumulate some products out is not very difficult, and now the hardest thing is how to sell.

"Good product if there is not a feasible channel model is matched with the promotion of sales, it would be easy to no echo.

At present, with the deepening of market competition, enterprises are facing more severe challenges, especially the "channel" as the short board LED enterprise has been more and more obvious, the enterprise CEO are on the more special important position, obviously, in the pursue "channel is king" era, how to establish a more competitive business model especially expand marketing channels, how to win and win the market has become the industry issues of common concern.

Enterprises in order to gain a place in the LED market, we must strengthen the construction of LED channels as the primary.

Before LED lighting, when people are not very acceptable, when the relatively high cost of only the government, because the government has a duty is energy saving and emission reduction, this thing itself is very low power, and longevity, so the government in recent years to promote a great deal, especially the Ministry of science and technology China pushed one hundred thousand lanterns, which send a signal, this is the country to focus on the development of strategic emerging industries, is a high-tech industry, the tone is very important, this is the future direction of the market told.

So in recent years, the government's project is more, the government to purchase, it is necessary to energy-saving emission reduction, but the amount is not great.

In fact, as the LED lighting business, the goal is to do the same as the LED lighting energy saving lamps, the price of energy-saving lamps, but also to save electricity, which is the goal of production enterprises. Special note: this site reproduced all the comments do not represent the views of this site, such as the need for related products, please contact the site, the copyright belongs to the original author.

Through these years of struggle, indoor lighting began to accept, and now the indoor lighting has been accepted by many young people.

Energy conservation and environmental protection concept is gradually accepted, so the power of the country and every citizen must save electricity. Because the LED province electricity country fish products.

So this time, explosive growth in the market, and the government has such a policy to support energy-saving lighting for the next ten years to become LED lighting led great promotion now, people will still accept. Now a lot of big supermarkets inside, the shelves are placed in the majority of LED lighting products.

In recent years, it is still accepted, I think this is very good, but also to our business and market dealers a good inspiration.

The industry generally believe that 2012 is the key year for the development of LED lighting, LED lighting industry will maintain rapid growth, LED lighting will gradually guide the transformation and transition to a market dominated from the government, the main funding, scale, technology, brand and market channel advantages of enterprises into industrial integration. At the same time, the terminal project and distribution market is also due to the development trend of LED lighting and began to enter the era of large-scale application, opened the prelude to the reform of domestic LED lighting channels.

LED lighting industry to obtain rapid development, LED lighting enterprises to achieve bigger and stronger, it must be bigger in the channel. As the blood vessel is the channel of human metabolism, the channel is the life of the enterprise in the market competition. The smooth flow of the river, to a large extent affect the success or failure of the enterprise.

With the continuous innovation and development of technology, LED lighting products are more and more widely used, LED lighting industry has shown a steady growth trend, and channel construction has become increasingly urgent.

Especially in the area of many China, vast territory and abundant resources, channel means local experience, who have mastered the channels will control the market, the popularity of LED lighting trend more obvious, crucial product market channels.

At present, China's professional operation of LED lighting manufacturers up to several thousand, but on the terminal market, specializing in the operation of LED products are few businesses.

LED lighting marketing channels rely on has never been so urgent as today, even if the LED leading enterprises, in the treatment of the problem on the channel did not dare to take lightly.

Traditional lighting companies rely on their own channel advantages in the gradual transition to LED lighting penetration, but the pace is still cautious. With the promotion of the government and enterprises, LED lighting widely used, gradually accepted by the market. The arrival of the era of LED lighting is the inevitable trend of the development of the LED market, and now is a good opportunity for the construction of LED channel.

If the channel construction late, it lost the opportunity to seize the market, until LED lighting products are accepted by most consumers, then cut into the channel construction is too late.

In this sense, who can grasp the channel, who will be able to grasp the initiative in the future competition. At present, with the progress of technology, LED lighting products are gradually entering the mainstream lighting, market demand has entered a critical period of readiness. At the same time, the huge market prospects also stimulate the domestic and foreign enterprises to seize the lighting market, the increasingly fierce competition. LED lighting docking customers rely on channels, channel acceptance and promotion of LED lighting products is the premise of industry growth, channel construction is also an important catalyst for the promotion of products.

LED channel construction is not a sprint race, is a test of perseverance and endurance of the game. In this regard, there are some basic work to do, especially team building, training stakeholders, including how to guide our users to treat LED lighting products.

At present many companies are doing LED, but relatively high homogeneity, very few features, including the difference in appearance, light distribution on the differences, differences in energy efficiency, it is difficult to identify the characteristics of the product, so we think the basic channels or product, we must consider their own products to meet what the kind of channel, need to think about how to make the product, so that differences in the performance of the product, at the same time also should be improved, this channel will have a foundation.

We want to see LED from the beginning to push the market, and now it has not really more than 2 years, and there is no continuous investment and stability of the past 3 to 5 years, it is impossible to really build a channel.

In particular, now the LED product is not a complete channel circulation products, the channel can not be achieved in the form of channel outlets. As enterprises, different enterprises can choose different channels to do strength can be ahead of the layout of retail channels, this model has high cost, size effect; strength of medium, can use special field of engineering; the strength is too small, can individual projects; the strength is not the same, the choice of channel is not the same.

If a man wants to do his work well, he must first sharpen his tools. To strengthen the construction of LED channels, companies need to practice the internal strength, with a complete product line and the operating brand system, in order to facilitate the promotion and confidence in the market.

At the same time, enterprises must pay attention to the service, the establishment of professional sales and service team and provide adequate financial support, especially in the current LED lighting market is still in cultivation period, sales channels did not complete the experience of products, customer service to more than traditional lighting.

Can meet a variety of customers one-stop purchase, and to provide consumers with LED lighting integrated solutions". At present, LED lighting lighting industry market confusion, the vast majority of enterprises to LED, the intervention threshold of downstream industries is low, many LED manufacturers are assembled with low price sales, the impact of market, the formal enterprises get more difficult to do.

As a vision of investors, decision-making ahead, the investment forward of the enterprise will take the initiative, and may share this big cake. Copyright statement: this site articles are from the network, if there is infringement, please contact the station staff, we immediately removed after receiving, thank you!


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