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LED lighting industry ushered in new opportunities for the development of adjustment and upgrading imminent

Disorderly competition and confusion will hinder the development of LED lighting industry. To rectify the situation, the national development and Reform Commission in February this year issued the "semiconductor lighting industry plan" will 2015 LED lighting output target by "12th Five-Year" planning 500 billion yuan down to 450 billion yuan, and to determine the development goals: by 2015, LED lighting will further optimize the industrial structure, the formation of 10 to 15 master the core technology, with more independent intellectual property rights and the well-known brand, quality and competitive enterprises.

LED lighting industry adjustment and upgrading is coming.

Along with the boost LED lighting market development as well as the national energy subsidies, LED lighting industry usher in a new development opportunity, how to obtain the vitality in the homogenization of competition is becoming more and more serious, the civilian market development rate is not high in the case? Is LED lighting enterprises must face the problem.

The homogenization of disorderly competition in the industry lead to "China's LED lighting industry disorderly competition, need to change the production of low-end products, depending on the state of the country, otherwise it will likely repeat overcapacity old, prosperity will become the flower briefly as the broad-leaved epiphyllum. Recently, Chen Yansheng, vice chairman and Secretary General of China Lighting Association, said in an interview with the China Electric Power Newspaper reporter.

At present, there are more than 5000 domestic LED lighting enterprises, of which more than 20% of Enterprises above Designated Size, enterprises generally small scale, low industrial concentration.

As the core technology of LED lighting industry - the chip is mainly in the hands of foreign companies, China's LED lighting enterprises mainly produce low-end products, low value-added products.

And because of the similarity of each product, disorderly competition phenomenon is obvious.

LED lighting industry in China started late, but the prospects, to meet the requirements of future energy development, since 2009, the place to seize market opportunities, from their local interests, provides many benefits for the local LED lighting company. Low barriers to entry, the development of a good environment, so that the greenhouse LED lighting industry in the lack of core competitiveness, homogeneity, and without exception, rely on the country.

Many companies do not even produce LED lighting products technology, just to enjoy the national subsidies, tax breaks and a variety of cheap industrial land concessions.

For a long time, the state subsidies in LED corporate profits accounted for a considerable part of. Even the leading enterprise of Sanan Optoelectronics in the third quarter of 2012 to 667 million yuan in profits, government subsidies accounted for 328 million yuan.

At the same time, lack of innovation, the industry is rampant cottage industry so that the entire industry will inevitably suffer the impact of gross profit decline.

Zhejiang Yankon electric group Limited by Share Ltd domestic marketing center marketing director Hu said in an China power can "news" interview with reporters, the current market in a high degree of homogeneity, identify their own position on the development of enterprises is particularly important.

The temptation and embarrassment of the civil market experts believe that the LED lighting civil market is the highlight of China's LED lighting, this year, many domestic LED lighting companies to focus on the development of the civil lighting market as the object.

The domestic LED lighting LED lighting production enterprises to enter the civilian market first problems encountered with the traditional lighting for dealers, distributors of traditional lighting LED lighting market operation is not skilled, they will conduct a comprehensive comparison with LED lighting, traditional lighting in order to make the decision; secondly, LED lamp fluorescent lamp price than the high price, from the analysis of specific where there is a certain gap between domestic lighting, lighting effect of LED lighting and traditional fluorescent lamp.

At the same time, the market to understand the maintenance of LED lighting professionals are scarce, gathered on the three or four line of many consumers on the market, LED lighting awareness is low. If you operate a brand in a region, the integrity of the product variety is equally important.

In the field of civil lighting, the consumption cycle is an important factor in the consideration of manufacturers.

LED lighting products have the advantages of long service life, when the market coverage of LED lighting products to a certain extent, will enter a period of relatively slow development.

With the decline in the price of LED lamps, technology upgrading, increased awareness, the market will show a rising trend, and then the market will be in a down period, which will be a long process.

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