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Lighting market in the future, LED open 500 billion yuan electricity market

In 1930s, Holland scientists have developed the first fluorescent lamp, based on 80s, and the development of compact fluorescent lamps than incandescent lamp has due to its advantages of energy saving, long life, and quickly occupied the market, has now entered the stage of phasing out incandescent lamp. Since 1940s, scientists have also developed a high strength gas with high pressure sodium lamp, metal halide lamp as the representative of the discharge lamp, because it has the advantages of high efficiency, high power density, the outdoor lighting, road lighting.

In 1879, Edison invented the incandescent lamp, which marks the human lighting from the fire into the era of electric lighting. From the production of incandescent lamp has been more than 130 years, with the progress of science and technology, lighting source to the direction of more efficient energy conservation. After nearly half a century of development, with light emitting diode (LED) semiconductor lighting, because of its low power consumption, long service life, fast response, small size, rich in color, dynamic control and other advantages, more and more widely used in indoor and outdoor lighting, large-size LCD backlight display screen, medical, transportation and other fields. As a lighting technology revolution after incandescent lamp, fluorescent lamp, opened a new era of lighting.

LED technology matures, the developed countries, lighting power consumption accounts for about 20% of its total electricity consumption, electricity saving potential is considerable. In today's world energy crisis, energy saving more and more pressure in the background, the main developed countries in the world from the national strategic height increase of semiconductor lighting support and attention, to give strong support in terms of policy, such as the development of semiconductor lighting technology and industry development planning, accelerate the high energy consumption of incandescent lamp light out plan, introduction demonstration application and promotion policy, attaches great importance to and actively promote the detection and standardization process, seize the industry leading power etc..

In 2010, the Japanese Ministry of economy "lighting LED lamp" included in the environmental protection system of integral support, and made clear that in 2015 LED lighting products market share reached 50%, to 2020, LED lighting products market share reached 100%.

The South Korean government will be solar energy, semiconductor lighting, hybrid vehicles as the three engines of green growth, and proposed to the 2012 government office LED lighting product replacement rate reached 30%, the semiconductor lighting industry in 2015 to enter the world top three. The United States to the semiconductor lighting industry as an important starting point to revive the manufacturing industry. EU invested heavily in the development of semiconductor lighting common technology research and development platform. Policy support has become an important driving force for the development of semiconductor lighting industry.

From the industrial distribution, the semiconductor lighting industry is mainly distributed in Europe and the United States, Japan and South Korea, China, Taiwan and the mainland. LED as the main body of the semiconductor lighting industry chain, including chip manufacturing, device packaging and product application of the 3 links. One of the most advanced technology, chip development in Europe and the United States, Japan and other developed countries, packaging applications are mainly distributed in South Korea, Taiwan and mainland china.

With the accumulation of South Korea and Taiwan LED manufacturers in the technical and financial aspects, actively to the upstream epitaxial material, chip development, while in mainland China, due to huge market prospects, has become the hotspot of the global industrial transfer. Since 2000, semiconductor lighting technology has entered a period of rapid development. 2011 white LED luminous efficiency has been more than 130lm/W, an annual increase of 10lm/W, is expected in 2015 will reach about 150lm/W industrial efficiency.

At the same time, with the development of technology, the continuous improvement of luminous efficiency, the gradual expansion of the market, the price of LED lighting is also declining, the current price of 50-60 yuan /klm LED devices, to 2015 may be now down to 1/5.

Semiconductor lighting technology and its products are higher efficiency, lower cost, more reliable and more diversified fields and wider application direction. Deep semiconductor lighting electricity saving potential according to the data of the U.S. Department of energy Sandia National Laboratory, lighting energy consumption accounted for 8.9% of global energy consumption, electricity consumption accounted for 19%, the contribution rate of GDP is only 0.63%. If the general lighting are used semiconductor lighting products, lighting consumption in 2050 is expected to maintain the level of 2005, and the contribution rate of GDP will rise to 1.63%.

The semiconductor lighting industry as a new industry, not only led to the development of related industries, and create a new market demand, while the popularity of its application will greatly reduce the power consumption of energy, energy saving.

China's total annual electricity consumption of about 500 billion kwh, accounting for about 13% of total electricity consumption, accounting for energy consumption of 6%, and the annual growth rate of 5%-10%, higher than the total annual electricity consumption in britain.

At present, LED light effect has been much higher than the traditional lighting and display light source, showing a better energy saving effect, such as landscape lighting energy saving 70%, backlight energy saving 50%, road lighting energy saving 50%.

Experts predict that in 2015 if China's semiconductor lighting market share accounted for 30% of the general lighting market, the annual saving of about 100 billion kwh, reduce carbon emissions 98 million 990 thousand tons, as the unit GDP energy consumption reduced by about 1 percentage point contribution to 2020; if the market share accounted for 50% of the general lighting market, the annual saving of about 340 billion kwh that is equivalent to the annual total generating capacity of 4 Gorges project.

In addition, with the widely used energy-saving lamp (CFL), semiconductor lighting products do not contain mercury, less waste, and the manufacturing process there is almost no pollution; semiconductor lighting products with circulation, Recyclable characteristics, plays an important role in the sustainable development of social economy.

The domestic industry chain shape of China attaches great importance to the semiconductor lighting technology innovation and industrial development, issued a series of policies and plans, and will be an important development direction of semiconductor lighting included in China's seven strategic emerging industry. Ministry of science and technology in the 973 program, the 863 program was given semiconductor lighting technology research and development support.

2009, the national development and Reform Commission and other 6 ministries jointly issued the "semiconductor lighting industry development advice," in 2010, the national development and Reform Commission, Ministry of housing, the Ministry of communications jointly launched a demonstration project of semiconductor lighting products. In 2011 the state issued a roadmap to eliminate incandescent.

The State Council in August this year released "energy-saving emission reduction" 12th Five-Year "plan" (the [2012]40) pointed out that the positive development of semiconductor lighting industry, accelerate the development of key equipment, semiconductor lighting core materials and common key technologies, supporting the use of semiconductor technology mature in hotels, commercial buildings, roads, tunnels, airports and other areas of lighting products with the.

In June 18, 2012, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Vice Premier Li Keqiang at the national development and Reform Commission deputy director Jie Zhenhua accompanied by a special trip to the semiconductor lighting R & D center of inspection, highlighting the national leadership attaches great importance to the semiconductor lighting.

At present, China's semiconductor lighting industry has formed a relatively large size of the industry and the basic integrity of the industrial chain, with a good foundation for industrial development. Especially in recent years, with the rapid growth of domestic and international related industries to the transfer of the domestic industry, investment and improve the level of industrial technology, the development of China's semiconductor lighting industry is very fast, has become one of the world's fastest-growing region, has established a complete industrial chain.

According to the alliance national semiconductor lighting project (CSA) statistics, in 2011 China's semiconductor lighting industry scale has reached 156 billion yuan, including the upstream epitaxial chip output value of 6 billion 500 million yuan, midstream package value of 28 billion 500 million yuan, 121 billion yuan output value of the downstream application.

During 11th Five-Year, China's semiconductor lighting industry average annual growth rate of nearly 35%, is expected in 12th Five-Year, the average annual growth rate of more than 30% of the industry, the overall size of the industry in 2015 will reach $500 billion.

In support of national policy and market demand of our country, has formed a preliminary preparation to the midstream and downstream packaging device integrated application of relatively complete industrial chain technological innovation from the upstream epitaxial material and chip, semiconductor lighting technology has been improved rapidly, as the gap between the level of key technology and the country gradually narrowed.

2011 LED chip localization rate reached 68%, the power LED light industry reached 120lm/W; Si silicon power LED light effect with independent intellectual property rights over 100lm/W; research and development of deep ultraviolet semiconductor lighting device is also at international level.

When it comes to China's semiconductor lighting the gap with foreign countries, the international semiconductor lighting alliance chairman and chairman of the national semiconductor lighting engineering research and Industry Alliance Secretary General Wu Ling said: China's semiconductor technology gap with foreign countries is twenty or thirty years, but the semiconductor lighting the gap with foreign countries is only two or three years.

Delft DIMES, director of the University of Holland professor of solid state lighting system integration and reliability center Zhang Guoqi believes that the Chinese semiconductor lighting market has great potential, the industry has a certain foundation, has become the industry leapfrog development opportunities.

500 billion scale still need to be developed to support but we should also see that the innovation ability of Chinese enterprises and multinational companies still have a big gap, nearly 5000 China LED lighting enterprises mostly stay in small workshops and small factories, product quality is also uneven.

This year the new listing of 6 packaging applications, research and development teams are less than 200 people, while multinational R & D personnel are more than 2000 people. In addition to inadequate investment in R & D and scattered, the upstream core patent is scarce, "11th Five-Year" during the 103 projects more than 80 units to 350 million yuan 863 Program segmentation research funding, and multinational R & D investment amounted to 300 million euros per year.

Semiconductor lighting technology development is very rapid, product replacement cycle is very short, if the technical innovation and product research and development of a little slack, it will cause the gap with the international advanced level.

Aiming at the above problems, the national development and Reform Commission deputy director Xie Ji ring division from the perspective of long-term development made important instructions: to clear its own position, one is the formation of common technology platform, the two is the research and the orientation of the industry standard, the three is to promote the industrialization of technological innovation.

In terms of standards, China has developed and published 12 national standards and the 10 lines, while the national semiconductor lighting engineering research and development and industrial alliance CSA led the development of the application of the product testing methods and technical specifications.

At present, our country in the field of general lighting LED lighting has many applications, such as tunnel lighting, road lighting, lighting and other lighting underground airport, but also the emergence of a number of exemplary application projects, such as the Great Hall of the people in the semiconductor lighting energy saving project, Tibet Potala Palace semiconductor lighting engineering, water cube and Shanghai Expo Hall LED lighting etc..

However, the overall market share of LED lighting is still very small, the application is still in the early stages of exploration, there is still a long way to promote large-scale, especially the following problems need to be resolved:

(a) the price of LED lighting is still high, although the national financial subsidies, but it is difficult to reach the extent of the majority of projects and ordinary people can accept.

This requires the further innovation and development in technology, reduce costs, the development of large-scale industrialization can be low price products.

(two) the detection methods and standards of semiconductor lighting products are lagging behind, which can not keep up with the updating speed of technology and products. This leads to the uneven quality of products on the market, the user is difficult to distinguish the quality of products,

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