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NVC three carriage together first said no struggle of rights and interests of the table

Yan Yan: Wu Changjiang is the ideal chairman to return to the board within three months

Prior to the media, Wu Changjiang said he did not care whether to return to the board. In the video interview with Sina and Wu Changjiang bare voice said: "why should I say don't care, because I think it is a pressing matter of the moment the company is stable, the production and operation of the company to be normal, this is the first, and not because I do not return back. In the long run, because the board of directors is the company's highest decision-making body, of course, I hope to be able to enter the board of directors, especially in the decision-making I can express some of my views, opinions.

In September 4th, NVC announced that Wu Changjiang was appointed Interim Committee company responsible person, the daily operation and management of the company.

The move also marks the return of management Wu Changjiang, which lasted for April to draw a reconciliation of the dispute, and when to return to the board of directors of the event to become the focus of the next step of the focus of attention of the Wu Changjiang.

The storm on the other side, Saif, the founding managing partner of NVC chairman Yan Yan, also clarify the previous misunderstanding of the media: "media deserved something, say we have not let Wu back, in fact it is not so. "

First, from the perspective of the board of directors, has always been welcomed to return to Wu, including Wu had just resigned when it is so. The second sentence, as a listed company, there are many procedures and steps to go "to the self body, Yan believes that he is always in front of investors, should not.

If investors themselves become chairman, CEO, it must be a problem. "Yan laughed:" I was the chairman of the board. I personally want to quit the board tomorrow. He said the ideal candidate for the president is Wu Changjiang, is now in the process, the return of the board of directors will not exceed 3 months Wu Changjiang.

Wu Yantan Chen: the root cause of the contradiction lies in whether the entrepreneur is not mind

In this regard, Wu Changjiang said: "we put forward some requirements and suggestions to me privately I have been accepted, are recognized, and not self-willed. I am not happy to where? Are they put them in the media, and report on a public occasion. At that time, it gave me pressure and misunderstanding, as if I was a person who is not the rules of the people, too many connected transactions, do not abide by the board of directors resolution, a mess of things.

After the storm of reconciliation, once "slobber battle", Wu Yaner people also have different reflection. Once the focus of contradictions in the three conditions in Yan to return to Wu Changjiang's board of directors must meet: explain the investigation of things, transaction processing rules of listed companies are not allowed to, and comply with the resolutions of the board of directors.

"At that time, it gave me pressure and misunderstanding, as if I am a person who is not the rules, there are too many related party transactions, do not abide by the board of directors resolution, a mess of things. "Yan explained:" Wu Zonggang speaks to talk privately to us, when he and I accept the face of Zhu Hai, also very sincerely, also hope to be able to improve, including the related transactions, we are dealing with, this is the truth.

There is a misunderstanding, because we had a general agreement with Wu, not to see the media, Wu went to see a newspaper, see China entrepreneur magazine. Special note: this site reproduced all the comments do not represent the views of this site, such as the need for related products, please contact the site, the copyright belongs to the original author.

This is the case, after he saw the entrepreneur magazine, I went to the financial magazine to talk about. But the magazine came out after a long time.

In the middle of Shenzhen, we have a few people to eat to solve this problem, after the completion of the settlement, the magazine came out again. Wu had a misunderstanding that we had just finished dinner, you went to say, in fact, I told the financial magazine that it was before eating things.

In the eyes of Yan, these three conditions are common sense the contents of all the listed companies have asked: "this thing is a normal thing, do not let the related transactions, in under the leadership of the board of management, this is the" enterprise law "provisions, this is a normal thing what, no special requirements. "

So, what is the real source of friction? In 1.5 hours near the end of the interview, Wu Changjiang finally opened up, he said: "as entrepreneurs, we have momentum, passion, we are seeing the opportunity.

As investors, they look at the issue from a financial point of view, they see the risk. So we make decisions, there are some differences. Objectively speaking, any one person, you make a decision, was denied, or be restricted, the heart is not comfortable. Especially after a successful person, after being rejected, particularly uncomfortable, uncomfortable.

This is the contradiction, this is my summary. In this regard, Yan Yan also expressed his identity: "old Wu Yue this is the truth, but also has the universality. Most of the private entrepreneurs to do the back, are successful, are small circles do success will be bigger.

Entrepreneurs and investors, on many issues have different views is very normal thing, which requires us to the parties in the event of this situation, a number of prior communication.

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