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Industry news

Nanchang hi tech Zone established the province's first Optoelectronic Industry Alliance

Reporter reported: in twenty-first Century, known as the photon era, "seize the photoelectric" has become the focus of the national economy. Photoelectric industry has high technology content and wide application field, and it may be possible to crack the development of "pain point" by holding together innovation".

In April 26th, the preparatory meeting of the Nanchang optoelectronic industry alliance and the first session of the first session were held in a grand ceremony, marking the establishment of the first photoelectric industry alliance in the hi tech zone.

The establishment of the industry alliance will open a new era for the development of Nanchang optoelectronic industry. Through further agglomeration Park photovoltaic industry resources, enhance the organic connection and resource integration of photoelectric industry in the downstream of the photoelectric industry to help the Nanchang city better, bigger and stronger, to create "Nanchang Optics Valley".

The effect of industrial agglomeration is prominent

Strive to build "Nanchang Optics Valley" core demonstration area

In April 24th, the Nanchang high tech Zone LIAN Hongsheng production workshop, 5 automatic production line is running in high speed, a miniature microphone, fingernail sized receiver quickly forming. These products will provide HUAWEI, Lenovo, Hisense and other well-known enterprises at home and abroad, and eventually into the tens of thousands of households.

Hongsheng LIAN deputy general manager Xiao Xueyang said, the company's products market share among the best in the country, especially the electroacoustic device output ranked second in the country, teaching headset accounted for a market share of more than 60%.

This is a microcosm of the development of Nanchang high tech Zone photoelectric industry. Today, in the high-tech zone gathered more than 100 photoelectric information industry enterprises, and the emergence of crystal energy, optoelectronics, LIAN, photoelectric, Ou Feiguang, touch control, industry, optoelectronics and other leading enterprises in the industry.

If the nineteenth Century was the electrical age and the twentieth Century was the electronic age, then the twenty-first Century would no doubt be the photon age. Optoelectronic industry is a new and high technology industry with photoelectron technology as its core. It is now one of the most recognized strategic emerging industries in the world.

In December 2015, the provincial government made a major decision to build Nanchang Optics Valley, the construction of hundreds of billions of LED industry, Nanchang is building a world-renowned, the nation's leading industry technology innovation and industrial development in the highlands.

Since last year, high-tech zones actively coordinate the provincial government, the municipal government to build strategic deployment of Nanchang Optics Valley ", focus on the optoelectronic information industry base construction has an important influence on the national goal of industrial cluster development, photoelectric focusing LED, touch screen, micro electronics, modern communication as the main characteristics, strive to promote the photovoltaic industry development upgrade, efforts to create" Nanchang Optics Valley "has become the core area and the leader.

As one of the first batch of national semiconductor lighting industrial base, high-tech zone has LED enterprises and more than 30 supporting enterprises, formed from the substrate material, manufacturing wafer, chip to the package and the application of a complete industrial chain. According to statistics, in 2016, the park above Designated Size Industrial photoelectric information industry completed the main business income of 34 billion 298 million yuan, an increase of 37.8%; profits and taxes 1 billion 600 million yuan, an increase of 59.7%.

Industry competition pattern transformation

There is an urgent need to establish industrial alliances and embrace innovation and development

Latticepower is the third in the world, the only one with the original intellectual property rights of LED enterprises, breaking the monopoly of Japan and the United States monopoly enterprises sapphire silicon carbide substrate of semiconductor lighting technology situation, LED industry to become the world's third technical routes, and won the 2015 annual national technology invention award.

Company CEO Wang Min think most of the day is how to make large-scale silicon substrate LED industry scale, as soon as possible to technological advantages into industrial advantages, "our production workshop 365 days a year, 24 hours a day without stopping."."

However, the industry chain is not perfect enough, and the construction of crystal and lighting, even a screw at the beginning of the purchase of Zhejiang, both increased costs, but also elongated the production cycle.

And after nearly ten years of development, China's photovoltaic industry ushered in rapid development, only last year, LED overall output value exceeded 500 billion yuan for the first time, in the grim situation of economic downturn, still maintained more than 20% growth. Enterprise polarization also intensifies, industry competition pattern transformation.

How can we grab more cake in the global competition? How can we enhance the core competitiveness in the whole photoelectric industry? Baotuan innovation may be able to crack the development of "pain point."".

The hi tech Zone to promote the initiative, latticepower spearheaded the establishment of the Nanchang high tech Zone photovoltaic industry alliance, is to further enhance the photoelectric industry gathering park resources, resource integration and organic photoelectric industry in the downstream, speed up the building of industrial clusters, promote the sustainable development of photovoltaic industry healthy and orderly.

Engaged in the production and application of photoelectric research, incorporated in the high-tech zones or within the jurisdiction of the enterprise (business) institutions, universities, research institutes, industry associations, standardization organization and detection mechanism can be applied to join the Nanchang high tech Zone photovoltaic industry alliance." Nanchang hi tech Zone, deputy director of the Bureau Zhang Hongtao said, will ensure that all parties to seek new market advantage, scale, standard, function or location, to deal with common competitors or business to a new field, enterprises can not only cooperate with each other, but also can realize the sharing of resources.

At present, the industry alliance has attracted latticepower, Liansi touch, union photoelectric nearly more than 70 enterprises to join.

Drive global LED business partner program"

Strive to build 30 square kilometers of photoelectric information

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