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Nankai University low long-life photovoltaic battery and rival world

Learned from Nankai University, borne by the unit of Nankai University and Chinese Academy of sciences such as the national 973 Project -- Based on low-cost, long-life model of photovoltaic cells, recently approved by the Ministry of science and technology project acceptance and was named "outstanding".

Based on low-cost, long-life photovoltaic cell model "fifteen" period is only a 973 project in our country in the field of photovoltaic devices and technology, research by Nankai University professor Geng Xinhua and photoelectron Film Institute of plasma researcher Wang Kongjia as chief scientist, start the project since October 2000, mainly to carry out extensive research on amorphous silicon and microcrystalline silicon thin film solar cells, dye-sensitized thin-film batteries, made a number of research results of advanced international and domestic leading.

973 Plan energy acceptance group believes that the project completed a comprehensive research program, to achieve the expected goals, made a breakthrough in solving the low-cost, long-life photovoltaic cell model, and obtain some with independent intellectual property rights of the preparation technology, set up the experimental platform of amorphous silicon solar cells and dye sensitized solar battery. The project chief scientist and the research team innovation ability is strong, simultaneously the talented person training outstanding achievement, also has made the good result in the international exchange aspect. The panel also pointed out that due to the potential for thin-film solar cells to reduce costs, it is recommended that the state to further its development and industrialization.

It is understood that the project a total of 8 subjects, mainly by the Nankai University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of plasma borne, and another Chinese Academy of Sciences, such as semiconductor units involved in the 4. Among them, the subject has Nankai University identification results of the international advanced level of 9, received 4 patents, 5 patents, registered high silicon thin film solar cells process control software 1, the development of "high efficiency and stability of amorphous silicon and microcrystalline silicon laminated battery technology" ("high deposition technology") is recognized as the next generation technology of silicon thin film solar cells, are being carried out this square meters battery preparation technology. To this end, the group recommended by the National 863 plan, this part of the results of the pilot technology transition.

At present, the research group of Professor Geng Xin Technology, Nankai University and other units to form the Tianjin Tianjin battery technology company has established in China only an annual output of 5 megawatts of amorphous silicon and amorphous silicon laminated solar cell production line. This is the largest domestic production, but also the only production of double junction amorphous silicon solar cell production line, breaking the monopoly of a few foreign countries, products are exported overseas.

Professor Geng Xinhua said, Nankai University will jointly Tianjin battery company, for 863 projects and Tianjin Municipal Science and technology projects, and strive to use 3 to 5 years, the new high efficiency a-Si, Micromorph cell preparation industrialization, promotion of silicon thin film solar cells industry in Tianjin City, the technical level and product quality, implementation synchronization with the international level.

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