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Representatives of the two sessions to talk about LED: security and energy were double questioned

The next time will be for the entire LED industry trend, development and Reform Commission and other six ministries in February 17, 2013 jointly issued the "planning" of the semiconductor lighting energy industry second, Qi trading LED shares. Even some people in the industry believe that the financial subsidies once the needle is pulled out, LED industry precarious. In the recently held two sessions, LED once again become a hot topic of delegates. On the one hand, the government's support for the LED energy saving industry, the industry is also optimistic about the LED industry, but on the other hand, also mixed with the sound of the development of the LED industry questioned.

Economist Wu Jinglian

Economist Wu Jinglian: what is the government's ability to determine which technology is promising?

Wu Jinglian, a researcher at the State Council Development Research Center, a well-known economist in the recently held two sessions, said: the government has the ability to judge what kind of technology promising? Some technology itself may be advanced, but it can be successful in the market no one knows. Now the government is saying what technology to develop, and then give a lot of money, the final result is what? You look at the photovoltaic industry has become what kind of. More than photovoltaic, and now the country are doing LED, the most likely is my hometown Changzhou.

Before he NPC and CPPCC views are: prices will make the price rise, the spring of railway ticket prices do not inconsistent with the market economy principle, he has five times won the highest award - Chinese economics Sun Yefang Award; 2005 won the first prize award for outstanding contribution to China. About LED, Professor Wu in the 12th Five-Year plan has just introduced when he said that in 12th Five-Year the investment plan needs to be adjusted, on the one hand, 3 trillion and 500 billion of the railway investment is very large, can recover the cost? On the other hand is the seven strategic emerging industries, and now all over the LED, if these are built in the LED are put into operation, the market in what place? Capacity is not excess? In addition, electric vehicles, solar energy, wind energy and so on are also facing the same problem, to do a review. Around the rise of seven strategic emerging industries in accordance with the momentum of investment than in 1958, the great leap forward and the last century, the end of 70s, the ocean leap also fierce, which will affect the entire 12th Five-Year macroeconomic stability.

Municipal People's Congress on behalf of Wu Jianrong: LED blue light overflow problems brought to the two sessions

Because of the lack of corresponding technical standards, there are many LED light blue overflow problem, at the beginning of December 2012, Blu ray LED overflow problem has become the focus, the Shanghai Municipal People's Congress Wu Jianrong specifically to carry out this investigation. He said, has never heard of the life of the LED lights can be seen everywhere there is a blue light overflow problem, long-term effects of the human eye may cause irreversible damage.

This is an energy saving behavior that the government is pushing for, but it is a problem that endangers human health. From the point of view of energy conservation, we hope that the resources left to future generations, and in the process of hurting this generation, this is a very dangerous problem. So I would like to explain that the introduction of this standard, the government did not see, or that the technical standards in recent years have changed?

LED so common, people use more and more, this kind of eye stimulation can be accumulated to what extent, we have carried out some investigations. (I am very interested in this topic) we do not raise awareness of too much, how can we change this awareness? From the child, the family is very important to start, can pry.

There are few people to think of such products in the process of energy consumption and reduce the ratio of a to the understanding on behalf of more talk, now LED lights many enterprises in his production process itself is a process of energy saving, there should be an industry standard, to ensure that products out of the human body can not be hurt. Many representatives are actively working with me to promote this thing, we come together to appeal to this matter, so that more people to understand.

Wu Jianrong on behalf of the Municipal People's Congress delegation meeting, he put the promotion of LED lamp current and potential problems, and other representatives of the exchange, attracted a lot of people's sympathy. They will form a written opinion, submitted the two sessions in Shanghai.

Hangzhou representative Wang Micheng: Hangzhou 3 years to push millions of LED lights

Before the upcoming two sessions, the Hangzhou Municipal People's Congress Wang Micheng high-profile appeal, Hangzhou to increase support to promote the local LED lighting industry bigger and stronger.

Last year, the national chip overcapacity, coupled with improved technology companies to improve cost control, LED lighting products prices fell by 40%! Wang Micheng said, a living room with the traditional ceiling light market price of 200 yuan, the current price of LED ceiling light is $400. Wang Micheng mentioned: 20% of the total electricity consumption is used for lighting, if these lights can be replaced by energy-saving lamps LED lights, then the lighting power down to 10%. "

In addition, in addition to energy saving and environmental protection, LED lighting products can also play a new role in the field of bio health through its control system. LED lighting products with the most potential place lies in it and networking technology together, is to change the future of people's way of life the most influential industry, Wang Micheng said: "the LED lamp installation can be controlled, at home as long as using a mobile phone or a remote controller, can call up his favorite source. Is an important part of the intelligent Home Furnishing. "

Wang Micheng suggested that Hangzhou should as soon as possible to develop the LED lighting industry, improve the existing policy, road lighting, landscape lighting, households and enterprises of indoor lighting and other fields respectively formulate specific promotion objectives and subsidy policy.

For example, the introduction of special research and development subsidies, incentives to clear, or from the original key industry (industry and information technology development funds in the annual special) thedeployment of special funds for the LED industry, for the LED Industry Research Center, Key Laboratory of common technology research subsidies;

Develop promotion plan, from 2013 to 2015, with 3 years time, to promote the use of lighting LED lamp 1 million; encourage the public sector, enterprises and institutions and households purchase, use LED lighting products. With reference to the national efficient lighting products promotion subsidy scheme, the successful enterprises to give subsidies;

The establishment of special funds for R & D investment and R & D results for subsidies and incentives;

To support enterprises to further implement the subsidy policy, carry out the "winners" program, for a single industry leading enterprises LED assets 5 billion yuan in the "12th Five-Year" period.

This will not only have an effect on the city's energy-saving emission reduction, but also to promote the development of energy-saving environmental protection industry, in the long run, the economic development of Hangzhou can play a significant role.

Wang Micheng said that the Ministry of science and Technology issued the semiconductor lighting technology development in 12th Five-Year special plan, is expected to 2015, the semiconductor lighting industry reached 500 billion yuan. Hangzhou should seize the huge market potential and broad prospects of LED lighting industry, vigorously develop the new industry.

Hangzhou has more than and 200 enterprises with LED related lighting, has been formed including "epitaxial chip packaging testing equipment - fluorescent powder - silica gel - Driver - application products, relatively complete industrial chain of LED, but most companies only in the industrial chain in a ring, business homogenization phenomenon is serious, lack of R & D capability and the domestic market with the core competitiveness of enterprises. At present, these companies have not yet divorced from the primary price competition model, can be competitive in the domestic market, less than 5.

"From the perspective of enterprises, enterprises need to increase their ability of independent research, whether made chips, or packaging, or production parts, it is necessary to cultivate core competence, cultivate their own brand, but Hangzhou is most in need of a few large brands, to the terminal industry chain to pull the LED lighting industry. "Wang Micheng said, although Hangzhou introduced the relevant support policies, but alone for the LED lighting industry in Hangzhou city and Hangzhou city policy less policy relative to other provinces, is vague, the lack of specific measures to refine the implementation of the.

Guangdong CPPCC members Li Xuliang: LED enterprises should pay more attention to product quality

Provincial CPPCC members, Guangdong province LED Industry Alliance chairman Li Xuliang in late January the provincial CPPCC conference said, to seize the right to speak the future strategic emerging industry -- LED industry, the provincial government introduced the "Guangdong province to promote the use of LED lighting products implementation plan" and a series of supporting policies, Guangdong three during the popularization of LED public lighting around the city also issued relevant implementation plan, in the "joint action to vigorously promote the invisible hand" and the market rules, LED industry entered the era of blowout.

However, the current LED industry standards are not clear, the product quality is uneven, and the company has not enough attention to the brand. He believes that the current development of the Guangdong LED industry in addition to focus on improving the ability of independent innovation, and collaborative innovation, but also need to focus on product quality, business model innovation and brand building.

Innovation is not just an empty slogan, the need for talent, platform and financial support. "Li Xuliang said, Guangdong as the forefront of reform and opening up, the government needs to do more on the policies and measures to guide, increase investment, to build a good platform to play more conducive to talent, create a more conducive to the soft environment to attract talent, promote innovation and development of Guangdong.

Li Xuliang said that Guangdong only intensify investment, cultivate a number of segments of the world champion enterprise or industry leading enterprises, in order to make the world champions on behalf of Guangdong to participate in the global competition, in order to lead the Guangdong LED industry into the world.

CPPCC National Committee member He Wei

CPPCC National Committee member He Wei: improve the school lighting source set up eye care industry standards

The incidence rate of myopia in China is second in the world, and it is urgent for the primary and middle school students to learn to use the light source to protect their eyesight. CPPCC National Committee member He Wei will be the first meeting of the Twelfth National Committee of the CPPCC National Committee will be submitted to the concerned about the primary and secondary school students to learn about the use of light sources to protect the vision of young people.

He Wei said that China's myopia population has nearly 400 million, the proportion of young people reached 50%-60%. Investigate its reason, in the school, many students and teachers are reflected, half blackboard reflection, classroom glare, uneven illumination and a series of problems with the use of light source to varying degrees. At home, parents give their children for lighting there are some errors, such as a lamp with a child reading, dark environment only a solitary reading, it is easy to cause visual fatigue, induced myopia. In addition, in order to prevent myopia in young people, parents tend to give their children matching eye lamp. However, there is no national standard eye lamp, there are good and bad quality of the phenomenon, and some even become invisible killer of young people's vision.

He Wei recommendations: to increase the number of artificial lighting, the use of efficient light sources and other means to improve the level of illumination; classroom lamps to ensure the uniformity of the longitudinal arrangement of lighting; the use of professional blackboard lighting. At the same time, the classroom fluorescent lamp with "no stroboscopic electronic ballast" to ensure that the light

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