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Semiconductor lighting will be marked subsidies will be substantially expanded

Peking University School of physics, Peking University Professor, director of the joint research center of wide bandgap semiconductor Zhang Guoyi said in an interview with this reporter: "LED epitaxial chip standard review has been passed, the first half of this year may be launched. Not only LED epitaxial chip standard is expected to be introduced in 2012, while the scale of national subsidies will also be expanded this year. Ruan Jun, Deputy Secretary General of China National Semiconductor Lighting Engineering Research and development alliance, said this year will expand the scale of subsidies to more than 10 million.

LED epitaxial chip standard first half is expected to launch subsidies expanded to more than 10 million "from the national level, is to develop semiconductor lighting standards, and replace the tube core control circuit, replace the radiator plug will develop a set of standards, enterprises can do all kinds of mode, but the interface must agree in general. Life is a matter of which piece of bad change.

Not only LED epitaxial chip standard is expected to be introduced in 2012, while the scale of national subsidies will also be expanded this year.

Ruan Jun, Deputy Secretary General of China National Semiconductor Lighting Engineering Research and development and Industry Alliance, said this year will expand the scope of subsidies to more than 10 million, the scope of subsidies to expand the tunnel lights, bulb lights, street lamps, etc..

This reporter learned that the local governments will also be in 2012, respectively, in the street lights, commercial, home lighting and other aspects of the development of LED lighting subsidy policy.

With the introduction of policies to promote the development of LED lighting applications, is expected in 2015 China's LED lighting market size of nearly $100 billion. Special note: this site reproduced all the comments do not represent the views of this site, such as the need for related products, please contact the site, the copyright belongs to the original author.

China LED is still the world's second echelon in November 2011 after the Chinese government announced a timetable for the elimination of incandescent lamps, the number of subsidies about one million". Although the number of LED subsidies in 2011 is not large, but it is optimistic about the prospects for the development of this field, energy-saving lighting companies flocked to the LED lighting industry, which led to the chaos of the LED lighting industry.

As Zhang Guoyi said, at present the country is everywhere who do LED, engaged in packaging technology companies can not count, there may be tens of thousands. "Especially the packaging process can reduce the cost, there will be the dragons and fishes jumbled together when in use, the user, the first year of lighting is bright, then a few years, if the package is not good, the bottom of the chip makes the drawing of dim light.

Dentsu Limited by Share Ltd said the energy industry technical director Gu Yang an interview with this reporter: "now LED manufacturers are divided into three areas, one is making the upstream chip bottom. "

The other is the middle chip packaging production, packaging into a variety of sizes, a variety of watts. The third area is to do the downstream, that is, the lamp shell. The reality of the domestic situation is to do more downstream enterprises. "For the current status of the LED industry, Zhang Guoyi said:" the underlying core technology of the LED chip can be divided into two echelon, the first echelon is Japan, the United States and Germany, their level is 3 - 5 years ahead of us, the second tier is Chinese China, Taiwan and South korea.

The domestic industry technology, R & D level compared with foreign countries only 3 - 5 years gap, the problem now is that there are always 3 - 5 year gap can be over in China from the semiconductor power into power, if not beyond the past, just can not become powerful country.

LED future direction is to focus on the field of Zhang Guoyi believes that after ten years LED has several changes: first, the device will be zero step technology trend. At present, the main equipment is the United States, Germany, two corporate monopolies. However, the national project supported by LED companies have 18. Future LED will become a fool technology.

Two is now the various manufacturers did not achieve the division of labor, epitaxial extension of the epitaxial extension, the chip is only a chip.

However, the development of LED in the future will be in accordance with the division of labor to focus on a particular area, industry division of labor will be conducive to the improvement of the overall technology.

The three is from the product replacement, the efficiency is improved, the service life is shortened, which is good for the development of the industry. Because users do not want once and for all, I hope you can change the style. During the interview, many industry insiders are very concerned about the future of LED overcapacity problem.

From the LED market, the first half of 2011 there has been a downward trend in the second half, especially in the third quarter, the emergence of excess capacity. The reason for the excess is the application market did not keep up with the pace of industrialization, some enterprises limited production holiday, down conversion. Zhang Guoyi said: the next step will be the merger and integration of LED industry trends.

If the semiconductor lighting can not enter into the tens of thousands of households, the current production capacity is more, if you enter this piece, the production capacity is not enough.

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