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Seven weapons analysis 2006 mainstream LCD technology breakthrough


It's time to start looking back on the course of the year, and in 2006, the changes in the field of the monitor were carried out in an orderly manner in accordance with its unique process. LCD has become the mainstream, widescreen LCD power has grown, the larger the size of the new products come out, HD on the agenda, the price is high and low...... Unlike in previous years, this year the overall inventory of the display, the most popular price still throughout the year old, but already relegated to a secondary position, while the growth of manufacturers through technological competition, making all kinds of new specifications, with new performance products constantly launch, has become the focus. It can be said that 2006 is a brilliant period of liquid crystal display technology.

2006 is a brilliant period of LCD technology

In this year, we experienced a 22 inch widescreen, 24 inch widescreen LCD display fast low price into ordinary civilian market; see the ultra high contrast LCD became popular; witnessed the rise of new specifications of HDCP protocol, TCO 2006 standards; to feel more and more human display of industrial design. Below, the author for your inventory of the display market in 2006, new technologies, new trends and new trends, and look forward to the development of the coming year.

Universal popularity

This year, we have seen a variety of different sizes of LCD display on the same scene. At present, from 17 inch to 24 inch widescreen LCD screen from single to as many as eight or nine kinds of classification, and these products had mostly at peace, each have different consumer groups, really let the viewers eyes.

Widescreen popularity

In fact, the proportion of the liquid crystal display screen classification easier, the average ratio of the screen and the screen, from the current situation, widescreen has become the undisputed reality in the future in a very short period of time will replace the ordinary ratio screen. At present, more than 19 inches LCD models, have no common scale products have fully proved this point, whether you love it or not, one or two years later, you may simply not buy LCD screen of the proportion of ordinary.

We have seen too many of the advantages of widescreen display, there is no need to waste space description. The cheap TN panel stationed in the field of large screen, will be more rapid so that the large screen LCD monitor into the mainstream. No matter from which angle analysis, widescreen LCD has strong vitality and broad market space, with the gradual decline in panel prices and the amount of energy output, we believe that widescreen LCD will get more market share, while the 24 inch widescreen is undoubtedly the most worthy users expect, in the next year, will this products become the new darling of the user desktop.

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