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Shanghai 10 contract was specification computer mobile phone service

Closely related to and daily life of consumers 8 class 10 contract demonstration text officially launched yesterday, deputy director of Industrial and Commercial Bureau Le Guizhong pointed out that although the model text of the contract is not mandatory, but want consumers to use, even in the process of consumption is not used, please also in reference to these independent contract contract model the contents of the text. This contract model text can be downloaded on the website of the relevant government departments and industry associations. Yesterday, Le Guizhong, deputy director of the Municipal Administration for Industry and commerce, the Secretary General of the municipal consumer protection committee, introduced the main modification of the contract model text of the text of the.

"Shanghai family room decoration construction contract"

Increase the decoration company should bear the liability for breach of contract to provide fake decoration materials; agreement on indoor air quality after decoration must be detected, air quality does not meet the requirements, not to use (because the detection cost is higher, in the contract supplement on detection cost by the agreed terms); the engineering payment proportion by both parties agree to increase; "a clear party B by party a forced Chaigai pipeline structure and public facilities and without rejection, shall be jointly and severally liable."

"Shanghai Internet charging e-mail service contract"

Increase the electronic mail service provider license number, service providers must fill in the license, to the user expressly agreed by Party B; (service provider) cause Party A (user) can not use electronic mail service normal, Party A has the right to terminate the contract and require Party B to pay liquidated damages, if the party decides to continue to perform the contract, Party B shall be in accordance with the several times postponed the affected party a time of service of Party A.

Contract for the purchase and sale of micro computers in Shanghai

Increase of payment for consumers and sellers fallback agreement, negotiation; delete "party acts constitute fraud, should be a paid one, and handled by the relevant administrative law enforcement departments clause. Because the seller if there is fraud, there are special laws to be adjusted, the contract does not have to be agreed.

Shanghai mobile phone sales contract

The mobile phone host "mobile phone appears performance failure form" listed performance fault, after two times of repair (regardless of whether they belong to the same fault) still cannot be used properly, can provide consumers with three bags of evidence in the repair repair records, free replacement of the same model with the specifications of the host.

Shanghai wedding celebration service contract

Increase the strict restrictions on the use of car spare car agreement, if you use spare vehicles, should be returned to the agreed proportion of service return difference. If you are unable to provide other vehicles, you should bear the corresponding liability for breach of contract.

Documentary photography service contract in Shanghai

By adding a special agreement, namely photography, video services should keep the contract secret or privacy and informed consumers, the contract is completed, Party B enjoys photography, photography works of authorship, if Party B to photography, camera works for other purposes, to obtain written consent of Party A.

The original monthly payment of rent payment to a single payment, are chosen by the parties; increase the Party (the lessor) clause overdue maintenance; related expenses stated "cable" and other expenses.

Shanghai second-hand car trading contract

In addition to the basic situation of the used car vehicles, the emission standards have been added for the parties to fill in; the increase of the seller's commitment to sell the vehicle does not exist in the case of customs supervision, in order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the buyer.

Use contract demonstration text "five note"

- the subject matter of the contract is large, professional consumer items, we must seriously study the contract terms of the optional. Such as "Shanghai family room decoration construction contract", "Shanghai wedding celebration service contract".

- consumption of services as the main content, to clear the requirements and standards of service agreement. As in signing the "Shanghai documentary photography services contract", "Shanghai documentary video service contract", the specific candidates to clear the photography, video services, request, contract photographer Business Hours the length of activity process and content.

- pay attention to the protection of important personal information. As in the signing of "Shanghai charge Internet e-mail service contract", update the basic information change occurs, otherwise, once a dispute, the identity of the subject in the confirmation will encounter some burden of proof; in the signing of "Shanghai micro computer" contract for the sale of goods, to protect the information in the computer clear maintenance. Agreed.

- pay attention to the consumer tips in the contract model text, especially in the emerging industries, in order to gain more information. Such as "Shanghai mobile phone sales contract".

- be aware of the necessary documents to prove in certain consumption processes. As in the signing of "Shanghai second-hand car trading contract", "Shanghai second-hand car sales contracts", should carefully examine the second-hand car condition, the vehicle documents and understand the contents of service, pay attention to the use of vehicles, repair, inspection, accident and whether handling mortgage registration, customs supervision, pay taxes the term and the term of use, to transfer the vehicle emissions standards, whether to apply for green flag.

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