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Small pitch LED display or dominate the security market

According to the security network reported that the security monitoring market can be said to be open and relatively closed, why do you say so? Because of the security monitoring system including front-end, transmission, storage, display terminals of each subsystems, each subsystem has their protocol standard, traditional equipment manufacturers can set many barriers, resulting in insufficient competition, the front-end equipment manufacturers have more right to speak in a very long period of time. However, with the development of network technology, network equipment manufacturers joint security system integrators to the overall solution as the starting point, the integration of the resources before and after the end, to the equipment manufacturers caused no small challenge. The state attaches great importance to the application of independent innovation, and the enterprises with independent intellectual property rights are strongly supported. For the new business is to accept the conditions of the boss of the industry, or challenge the authority is a lot of courage.

From the historical point of view, the security industry display terminal experienced by SONY's dominance of the CRT era, and then to Samsung, LG, SHARP LCD industry to bring the visual impact, now DLP, LED splicing technology turned out, the market is always open, the market continued to accept the new technology, the elimination of backward production capacity. What kind of technology is more suitable for the field of security as a professional monitoring terminal products have not yet been finalized. In the security of large projects bidding terminal monitoring has been very intense, new and old technology in different time and space to fight.

The characteristics of security monitoring market and the demand for large screen display

Security monitoring has become increasingly important in all walks of life, the video monitoring system is an important part of the security system, as the terminal video information output, video display terminal equipment to complete the show to all monitoring picture on the screen, but also can flexibly switch for big and small screen. Convey accurate, intuitive and effective, rich content.

As an important part of the security chain, the video monitoring display terminal has a long history of clarity. This year, the major manufacturers have made "4K" concept, and strive to do the video content nothing is completed. In addition to foreign SONY, SHARP and other traditional display panel and camera specialist, independent innovation of enterprises in the state of science and technology new forces also joined the battle, and the introduction of small spacing LED seamless mosaic screen to display more shocking.

In recent years, with the domestic energy, transportation and other basic industrial investment and industrial automation, the development of informationization, the application requirements of large screen splicing industrial steady growth, large-scale monitoring, dispatching large screen splicing construction projects more and more frequent, but there is a large size screen project many splicing over 100. From the heavy display screen towards intelligent, ultra-thin lightweight, network direction, and with the maturity of technology, with easy to assemble, high-performance small spacing LED splicing screen in the market has been widely used.

Compared to other screens, small spacing LED splicing screen has a high definition, high brightness, high color saturation, low power consumption, long service life and a series of advantages, which makes it quickly favored in security monitoring. With the acceleration of modernization in China, the large-scale construction of infrastructure, the government attaches great importance to the field of security monitoring, security monitoring as a terminal display device, small spacing LED screen also have an unprecedented opportunity for development.

Small spacing LED splicing screen has been incorporated into the security products, in order to promote the development of the field of security plays an important role. As the necessary terminal products of the video surveillance system, small spacing LED splicing screen with excellent display performance, high definition of the image quality has been highly valued by users in various fields.

The advantage of small spacing LED display in the security monitoring market

Analysts said, from the point of view of the security industry application, high density and small pitch LED display with its indoor display technology in the field of high-end power, will gradually replace the traditional DLP rear projection occupied indoor display market.

As we all know, a small pitch LED display refers to the LED point spacing in the following P2.5 indoor LED display, including P2.5, P2.0, P1.8, P1.5 and other LED display products. With the improvement of LED display manufacturing technology, the resolution of traditional LED display has been greatly improved.

At present, the high-end display in the indoor market to DLP rear projection display, but DLP technology has a natural defect. Firstly, DLP technology can not eliminate the display unit between 1 mm seam, ie at least engulf a display pixel. Secondly, the color performance is inferior to the direct light-emitting LED display. The indoor high density small spacing LED display is the biggest competitiveness, the display is completely seamless and display the natural color of the real. In the late maintenance, LED display now has a mature point by point correction technology, a one-time correction using one or two years display instrument the entire screen, the operation process is simple, the effect is also very good.

The future of small spacing LED splicing screen in the security market opportunities and development space

In the security project, large screen splicing products have become the mainstream display terminals, especially in the safe city, smart city and other integrated large-scale security projects, splicing wall products is essential. Statistics show that as early as 2011, command scheduling and video surveillance has become a large screen splicing product applications

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