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TCL Alcatel brand integrated R & D and production of dilute heavy war domestic market

Experienced a huge loss of 100 million yuan per month in 2005, the mobile phone business, as well as market share fell out of the domestic mobile phone after the first three pains, TCL finally began to stop bleeding. This year, TCL began to focus on the domestic mobile phone market, May Day golden week will be an important opportunity for TCL to return to the mainstream domestic mobile phone companies." Yesterday, Wang Chunlin, general manager of TCL mobile phone company in Beijing revealed.

In a way

Heavy tree TCL mobile phone brand

In the future, everyone in the chain and mobile phone stores, TCL will become the main push brand, and Al Carter will gradually fade." Wang Chunlin revealed yesterday.

According to Wang Chunlin introduction, according to the planning of future TCL mobile, TCL will be under the two major mobile phone brands TCL and Al Carter division, TCL will focus on the domestic mobile phone retail market and channel, and Al Carter is more exports, both for operators and other large customer orders.

Under this framework, TCL mobile phone brand is clear, the company can avoid cannibalism." Wang Chunlin said.

It is reported that from the beginning of the second half of last year, TCL has begun to cut across the T&A joint venture (TCL and Al Carter combined company) the redundant personnel, in order to improve the efficiency and reduce the cost. Currently, TCL only in its mobile phone headquarters in Huizhou to retain a number of employees, responsible for the Al Carter brand in the domestic market operations. In the future Al Carter and the United States, in other large mobile phone channels of cooperation, will be taken to sell off mode, the promotion and sale of all by dealers.

One TCL insider, as early as in 2005, due to the promotion of Al Carter and TCL two TCL mobile phone brand, marketing costs have been high, in 2005 TCL mobile phone marketing costs per month up to about 30 million yuan, while in the new brand strategy, 2006 TCL month marketing expenses has dropped to 10 million yuan.

Brand TCL also re adjusted increase in the domestic market to reverse its investment in overseas and domestic mobile phone stride forward singing militant songs of sluggish growth. Due to the 2005 round of adjustment, TCL mobile phone sales began to rely on the influence of Al Carter's exports, the proportion of its overseas and domestic sales has risen to 8:2.

The determination of this year's headquarters is very large, in the heavy tree TCL mobile phone brand plan, Beijing, Guangzhou and other core markets is the top priority." Wang Chunlin said, only during the golden week, TCL plans to invest in Beijing million yuan mobile phone promotional costs, while sales promotion has been including Gome, Suning, Dazhong and other large home appliance chain support, to achieve a hit.

- two tricks

Integrated R & D and production system

In addition to trying to re create the TCL mobile phone brand, TCL has also begun to accelerate the integration of the mobile phone business from R & D, production and capital aspects, in order to expand the cost of research and development and manufacturing advantages combined with Al Carter.

In April 3rd, Hongkong listed TCL communications announced that the TCL price of approximately HK $95 million 330 thousand, to an investment company Power Century acquisition of the two sides of the joint venture equity Jiekai communication 36.8%, to 46.25% of the shares rose for the first major shareholder of the main mobile phone development company.

According to TCL relevant marketing sources, Czech open communications is the integration of the original TCL and Al Carter mobile phone R & D personnel in China's mobile phone R & D company. The company is located in Shenzhen, since February this year to start operations, in addition to 150 R & D personnel in Shenzhen, but also the original Al Carter China mobile phone headquarters in Shanghai has a R & D engineer.

According to the TCL plan, the future of TCL 500 mobile phone developers will be transferred to open communications. TCL group's explanation is that, after the mobile phone R & D department is independent, Czech open communications in addition to providing research and development programs for TCL, but also began to provide mobile design solutions for other enterprises. This will help reduce the cost of R & D TCL, improve R & D efficiency.

In addition, with the divestiture of R & D institutions, TCL is trying to focus on manufacturing cost advantage in china. It is understood that TCL currently has its global production to the factory in Huizhou, the global mobile phone all orders from Huizhou, including for export to Europe and South America Al Carter mobile phone has also been realized completely, production in china.

Compared to 2005, now is a good opportunity for the domestic mobile phone market TCL heavy fighting." Wang Chunlin said yesterday, the Hong Kong listed companies TCL has TCL communication to raise additional capital investment of the 590 million TCL mobile phone, TCL will launch more than 25 new mobile phone in the year 2006, 4 of which become the mainstream multimedia mobile phone, and TCL's first 3G mobile phone is also expected in the second quarter of next year to push out.

- market analysis

TCL mobile phone revival Road

Although TCL is an ambitious attempt to restart the domestic mobile phone market, but the industry generally believe that, compared with the current grim situation in the domestic mobile phone market, the prospects for the domestic mobile phone represented by TCL is still uncertain.

Listed on the Shanghai stock market shares yesterday announced its 2005 annual report, the annual report shows that in 2005 the waveguide net loss of $471 million, down by 327.13%, a loss per share of up to $1.23. In this regard, the loss of waveguide due to the small and medium-sized city of transnational giants Chinese was declared as Motorola and NOKIA to launch a $50 and a cheap mobile phone, led to the loss of the advantages of domestic brands.

It happens that there is a similar case Mobile phone market survey report data also show that in 2005, the domestic mobile phone brand has not been through the hard times. Last weekend, the domestic telecom consulting firm Analysys International released 2005 annual report of the mobile phone market, said in 2005 the domestic mobile phone share is only about 30%, a record low. Analysys International analyst Lin Juan also said that due to foreign giants occupy absolute superiority in the GSM Market

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