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The current situation and future development of LED lighting in the media focus

It can be said that this is the best era of LED lighting. But at the same time, some people say that this is one of the worst of times: there is no standard, LED industry ichthyosaurs gathered, vicious competition each acts in his own way, constantly; quick, keen money more, concentrate on products less; simple replication, less innovation. Blind construction, low-level duplication, homogenization of serious competition, the industry is also like into a vicious circle: the continuous influx of continuous collapse; continued collapse, continue to pour.

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. "

Dickens's famous words used to describe the LED lighting industry now seems to be the most appropriate: on the one hand, LED lighting industry has received unprecedented attention by the Department of state, a variety of favorable policies to vigorously promote investment group; arouses many enthusiasm, all kinds of long-term funds into LED; emerging enterprises such as bamboo shoots after a spring rain poured out, all kinds of talents to join them. It can be said that this is the best era of LED lighting.

But at the same time, some people say that this is one of the worst of times: there is no standard, LED industry ichthyosaurs gathered, vicious competition each acts in his own way, constantly; quick, keen money more, concentrate on products less; simple replication, less innovation.

Blind construction, low-level duplication, homogenization of serious competition, the industry is also like into a vicious circle: the continuous influx of continuous collapse; continued collapse, continue to pour. So this is the worst time for LED lighting.

Various problems emerge in an endless stream, how can we escape the vicious circle, in the severe environment to survive, I believe this is the most LED companies are most concerned about the problem.

LED lighting is the most controversial three key words

Closures, price wars, channel dispute

LED lighting surface prosperity and the environment is not unrelated. Favorable macroeconomic policies, various government subsidies, which can get government support for the enterprise seems so smooth, even companies directly rely on government subsidies to achieve profitability. But when the LED lighting as a cake by speculators value, the influx of hot money, the industry began to ask questions. The pursuit of capital, has led to a burst of LED lighting unexpected spring; however, with the continued regulation, which factors become the LED lighting capital chain Domino, it is worth exploring.

Collapse tide

There are core, market management did not follow the rules of the lighting industry, from the beginning there are multiple defects. It can be said that the blind speculation LED industry, is not the cost of the bet. When the "speculation" into "investment", from the nature of the game to the standardization of enterprises, the advent of closures is inevitable. Wang Xiaofeng, the chief executive of the big lighting, summed up the cause of the collapse of LED in a single word: unprofessional. Non professional companies closed down, the market has been the baptism of the survival of the enterprise, which is the survival of the fittest competition.

We still cut from the collapse. Closures sounds quite startling.

However, recently, Johnson Electric (China) Limited company General Manager Marketing Center Marketing minister Xiao Nanfang, Zhongshan City family Source Lighting Co., Weng Zhiqin, Hongkong International Lighting Industry Research Center partner / chief consultant Liu Yongquan, general manager of the original lighting brand manager, Zhongshan Amoy street lamps lighting electrical appliance Co. Ltd. Sohu Deng Mingjie guest room in view of the closures, almost unanimously: closures is the inevitable result of the industry reshuffle, without the closures should get excited over a little thing, as a normal industry evolution stage.

On the face of it, the root cause of the collapse of LED lighting market downturn in the overall economic environment. National macro-control of the real estate to strengthen the upper reaches of the house seems to be the main reason.

But tracing to its source, the enterprise internal factors is more important, product, market, management, funds, can achieve the balanced development of system development, the enterprise will stay in all aspects, will go further. Some quick success, with speculation, money for the main purpose of the enterprise, from the outset doomed to failure. Special note: this site reproduced all the comments do not represent the views of this site, such as the need for related products, please contact the site, the copyright belongs to the original author.

For example, the boss of a decoration company suddenly found that the lighting business to make money, invest one hundred million to come in, but soon after the collapse of the purchase of equipment. This is because of the lack of core technology, the product does not have the kernel, the market management does not follow the rules of the lighting industry, from the beginning there are multiple defects.

It can be said that the blind speculation LED industry, is not the cost of the bet. When the "speculation" into "investment", from the nature of the game to the standardization of enterprises, the advent of closures is inevitable.

Wang Xiaofeng, the chief executive of the big lighting, summed up the cause of the collapse of LED in a single word: unprofessional.

Non professional companies closed down, the market has been the baptism of the survival of the enterprise, which is the survival of the fittest competition.

Price war

The price as the competition strategy behavior in the LED lighting industry is the power of. In this regard, the packaging technology for competitive advantage, to provoke a price war in the LED lighting market, slaughter Linsen lighting may be more right to speak. Mu Linsen Weng Zhiqin believes that the price war determined by market demand.

In the competition process, there is a hot word in the LED lighting industry reshuffle no one can avoid, it is the price war".

Price war, as its name implies, refers to the competition among enterprises to reduce the market price of goods through the commercial competition, the purpose is to suppress competitors, occupy more market share, consumption of inventory, etc..

The price as the competition strategy behavior in the LED lighting industry is the power of. In this regard, the packaging technology for competitive advantage, to provoke a price war in the LED lighting market, slaughter Linsen lighting may be more right to speak. Mu Linsen Weng Zhiqin believes that the price war determined by market demand. When the two price raised about Linsen, two times as many sales, now a month 200 thousand LED.

So this is the market demand determines the price war. Deng Mingjie analysis of price war from the angle of marketing principle, he thinks the convenience from 4P to 4C one of the most important factors, the decline in prices can be better adapt to the consumers, so that we finally maximize the interests of. To meet the needs of people in high, medium and low product market, the price is not a problem, the focus is to meet the different needs. Another idea is to focus on the short-term development of enterprises or long-term development.

Jason Shaw South lighting with a vivid metaphor: the price war, the enterprise "begging" or "to the bowl".

First of all, should look at what is the enterprise to provoke a price war: to provoke a price war is small enterprises eager to survive, they continue to seize a list to survive, the price at the expense.

The first living in them, and this is the "beggar". However, for some brands, it is necessary to pay attention to the brand of hematopoietic function, focus on sustainable development in the future, it is to the rice bowl".

From this perspective, wanton price cuts will damage the brand gene. However, the brand competition but no three companies, the LED industry will have a good reason for the expulsion of good money. Because of this, the industry calls for price war.

The strength of the big brands to launch a price war, you can sweep the industry's "three noes" enterprises, hunting non-standard bad money, so that the entire industry standardization, normalization.

The use of price war, raise the threshold for investment in LED lighting, you can destroy the investment value of the LED lighting industry, to avoid the influx of hot money crazy, from this perspective, the price war is more conducive to the interests of brand enterprises.

In fact, whether the price war or other marketing strategies, the ultimate aim is to occupy the minds of consumers, or occupy the dealer's mind, application scale manufacturing advantages to sweep out a batch of small plants should be another stage of LED lighting industry is necessary.

Channel contention

Has been listed on the NVC founder Wu Changjiang, but his 36 operations center, the country tens of thousands of sales outlets is independent of the system of listed companies, this is Wu Changjiang firmly in the hands of chips. In two Wu Changjiang out of NVC struggle, these channels have played a major role. As Deng Mingjie, general manager of gold street, said: the channel has no advantages and disadvantages of the points, on the positioning of the enterprise, to return to the essence of lighting, according to the characteristics of the product to set the terminal form.

If the "collapse" and "price war" belong to our visible industry phenomenon, and another kind of competition in the dark is more critical. Channel dispute for each LED lighting companies are fatal magic.

Has been listed on the NVC founder Wu Changjiang, but his 36 operations center, the country tens of thousands of sales outlets is independent of the system of listed companies, this is Wu Changjiang firmly in the hands of chips. In two Wu Changjiang out of NVC struggle, these channels have played a major role.

As Deng Mingjie, general manager of gold street, said: the channel has no advantages and disadvantages of the points, on the positioning of the enterprise, to return to the essence of lighting, according to the characteristics of the product to set the terminal form.

Also, as the consultant Liu Yongquan, for example, in the color TV age, Shenzhen and the production of black and white TV, and the production efficiency is very good, it is sold to africa.

The end of the problem, whether it is emerging LED lighting or traditional LED lighting, should be determined by the product channels, according to the product to seize the channel, rather than the opposite. Special note: this site reproduced all the comments do not represent the views of this site, such as the need for related products, please contact the site, the copyright belongs to the original author.

Emerging LED lighting companies and traditional LED lighting enterprises occupy the difference lies only in the channels, SMEs need to be more flexible, while the whole process of planning and marketing of large enterprises, the market may be a long time.

For example, OPPLE, it's a LED product, a series of products to enter the market at least six months, some small businesses may be three months or less time to occupy the market.

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