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The world's top five smart city rankings, the city was ranked first......

The wisdom of the city revolution did not stop the pace of it, the lighting industry the opportunity is ripe. Recently, foreign media LUX ranked the top five smart city.

5 Losangeles

Losangeles has developed a plan to replace the old sodium vapor streetlight intelligent LED lamp, street lamp replacement plan will be 200 thousand, the project is nearing completion. The project has been saving the city $about 9000000, and reduce the crime rate.

The existing street lamp rod is replaced with 4G LTE wireless technology "smart bar", can improve the mobile phone signal. Intelligent lights to alert the city authorities can, what happened to the fault and maintenance of lamps, can monitor and collect information on the status of transportation and parking.

4 Singapore

Singapore's goal is to become the world's first "national wisdom". Sensors and cameras are being installed, can track almost all the data, papemaking from traffic capacity.

In Singapore, lighting plays an important role in intelligent transportation network, the use of the road network sensor, intelligent traffic lights and intelligent parking lot.

Previously, PHILPS lighting and Sentosa Development Corporation signed an agreement for the development of Sentosa Island street network management system; in addition, the government of Singapore and the British company Li-Fi pureLifi cooperation, aimed at introducing Li-Fi.

3 Copenhagen

Copenhagen is one of the most sustainable and intelligent city in the world, its goal is to achieve carbon neutrality in 2025. Nearly half of the city street lamps have been replaced by LED. Many of these new lamps become a pillar of the continuous development of intelligent lighting network.

When the vehicle passes through, LED street light, then fade, ensure that when there is no need to light will not last lit.

The lamp loading sensor is also able to capture data and analysis, can coordinate the city service. For example, the lamp can remind the municipal authorities need to empty the trash.

2 San Francisco

It can be said that San Francisco is a city on the forefront of the wisdom of the world, and is located near the Silicon Valley, this should not be surprising.

San Francisco city has more than other American LEED certified buildings, so that residents can find a place to Park City networking initiative.

Recently, San Francisco announced the 18500 low pressure sodium lamp will be replaced by LED intelligent street lamp.

The new LED will run through the wireless intelligent controller, so that the performance of city remote monitoring single lamp and adjust the light intensity. For example, if the road traffic accident, the light may shine.

When the lamp is broken or damaged, the lamp will also remind the municipal authorities, to create a better life for the residents of the city, while saving money.

The new street lamp in San Francisco will be 100% clean energy supply, together with the wireless control, California will become the most environmentally friendly lamps.

1 Barcelona

Barcelona because of extraordinary strength of its smart city is known around the world. The computer system installed in the street light boxes carefully tuned, can measure the traffic conditions, traffic pollution, population and even specific streets in the Instagram on the release of the number of photos.

The installation of street lights and the ground sensor for monitoring the weather in Barcelona.

A few years ago, Barcelona suffered a severe drought, almost no water. Therefore, the intelligent sensor can measure the amount of rainfall and irrigation level analysis of ground. This information can be used to adjust the sprinkler system of the city to save water.

Barcelona has also developed a Sentilo sensor platform, as open source, which means that the world city planners can case study in Barcelona city of wisdom, and reference. (compiled: LEDinside James)

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