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Expert weapon: how to improve the level of LED decorative lighting?

The 2008 Olympic Games, whether it is the opening and closing ceremonies, or home court Museum of decorative lighting, and display and supporting the night lighting project, the use of a large number of LED products, let us deeply feel the strong visual impact and beautiful enjoyment. With its own advantages of energy saving and environmental protection, LED has shown a strong competitive edge in the field of lighting and landscape lighting, decorative lighting has become the first application of LED. It is estimated that by 2011, landscape lighting will account for 50% of the global LED lighting market, especially in China's fastest growing market. 2010 Shanghai, World Expo, will usher in another wave of LED decorative lighting applications.

LED decorative lighting seminar in January 9 sunset under the curtain of the interactive discussion on how to improve the quality, grade and level of LED decorative lighting, presided over by Wang Gang Dean of Zhongshan University Foshan Research Institute, CREE China marketing general manager Tang Guoqing, Deputy Secretary General of China Institute of lighting outdoor lighting experts long, deputy director, School of architecture and urban planning of Chongqing University professor Yang Chunyu, general manager of China Electronics Technology Group thirteen senior engineer, Hebei Lide Electronics Co., Zhu Xiaodong as a guest. Warm atmosphere at the scene, the experts point of view sometimes coincide, sometimes tit for tat, experts in the eyes of LED decorative lighting problems? Water cube landscape lighting why the use of foreign chips? Water cube project monitoring and quality assurance standards can not be open? And how to buy a cheaper Cree chip, China semiconductor lighting network will be announced for you one by one.

How to combine technology and art is the biggest problem of decorative lighting

In Wang under the auspices of the three guests to talk about their impression of LED decorative lighting and some of the biggest problems, three guests invariably referred to the technical and artistic fusion is the priority among priorities to consider decorative lighting. But on how to combine LED technology and architectural lighting art, the three guests have different views.

Zhu Xiaodong believes that LED has an absolute advantage in decorative lighting, but there are still some problems in the promotion of a large area. Decorative lighting belongs to the art of lighting, from an artistic point of view, there are so many simple ways to do the same work, it is easy to cause aesthetic fatigue. For the general public, the first LED is the United States, the second works of the same is just a light, the designer is just the building as a lamp frame, I hope the future of LED lighting decoration can be innovative, seeking beauty, seeking breakthrough.

Yang Chunyu said the decorative lighting there are two main problems: first, the lighting must conform to the style of the city, and the city buildings, is about Zhu can not let buildings become the lamp bracket, which requires designers to understand the city planning, architectural features and elements etc.. Second, education issues. China's colleges and universities have not yet built the discipline of optics, the lack of talent in the construction of the optical industry in the huge lighting industry is very serious, Professor Yang proposed this thing can be done by the alliance.

Tang Guoqing of Professor Yang's views put forward some different opinions, he felt that the decorative lighting to meet the conditions, in line with the local Chinese city style, is loved by the common decorative lighting, but also the classic works. Tang total in the case of Chongqing County in Chongqing Province, the decorative lighting is very lively, people love the gorgeous color, you can consider the use of cheaper products. Classic works on the product quality control more stringent. However, the total does not advocate the Tang Dynasty into the night as the classic works of the day, he felt that it belongs to the scope of light pollution.

Light pollution problems mentioned in the total of the Tang Dynasty, the audience also expressed different views. Beijing landsky Lighting Engineering Co. Ltd, director of planning design center Yue Zecun believes that light pollution is a problem related to time, in order to create a stage effect, sometimes need a lot of brightness, but only on special occasions, open only 10-15 minutes, does not belong to light pollution. There are many forms and effects of lighting, decorative lighting is a lot of light pollution, the key is how to control and application.

Yang Chunyu expressed different views on how to locate the light pollution, he believes that although there are relationship between light pollution and no time, but some lighting engineering technical indicators, did not consider the building, no centralized lighting time is fixed, so the time was very hard to control the light pollution index also appeared.

Perfect standards and testing system is the key to ensure the quality of LED products

2008 Olympic Games, the performance of the LED is impressive, but the water cube eventually uses the LED chip is the Cree company's products, which is how much regret. Zhu Xiaodong introduced the water cube LED product identification and testing process. He said: the water cube did not refuse to start the domestic chip, but also inspected the major domestic manufacturers, has become a special testing working group, the standard set of very fine, the test results show that the level of detection of samples are very high. As for the domestic chip is not used, is the application of the manufacturer is still not assured, do not dare to use. Even so, the water cube has a bad light, but the problem is mainly in the device, and now the chip and packaging are very fine control, but not enough to control the lighting requirements. Water cube is also a problem with the chip, but are in the acceptable range, unfortunately, are foreign chips. "

Zhu Zhu also on the promotion of the domestic chip to express their views, he believes that if the use of quality at the expense of reducing the cost of the promotion of the chip is very undesirable, is the understanding of the cost deviation.

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