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Future lighting for solar car project donated PHILPS LED

In June 24, 2008, the United States LED lighting manufacturers lighting (Future Lighting Solutions) the future announced that the company for the United States University of Minnesota students founded the solar car project donated Philips LumiLEDs company Luxeon RebEL LED products. The car will be unveiled at the 2008 North American Solar Challenge, the entire 2400 mile race, is expected to be held on July 13-22. The teachers of University of Minnesota (the solar car instructor), solar powered car we used three years ago LED products, far less than the brightness of today's Luxeon Rebel LED, the LED, have greatly improved in power and availability. Future Lighting Solutions helps us to maximize the automotive lighting, and its energy consumption to a minimum. Because Luxeon LED has the advantages of energy saving, compact structure, high output brightness, University of Minnesota students will be red, amber, white Luxeon LED applied to the solar car lighting system. It is reported that the event is not allowed to charge, only through the solar car, solar maximum area, and converted into electrical energy, so energy saving is crucial for a fully completed 10 days through the solar car race.

Source: China Semiconductor Lighting Network

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