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Japan proposed to abolish tariffs on LED and other energy-saving products to WTO

As part of the World Trade Organization (WTO) multilateral trade negotiations, part of the 25 ministerial meeting, held in Geneva. The Japanese government has proposed that the 11 areas of energy, electric vehicles and light emitting diode (LED) lighting and other energy-saving products, should be as environmentally friendly goods to cancel or reduce tariffs.

At the beginning of the multilateral trade negotiations, the decision to achieve the "green goods" liberalization policy, including Japan, the advanced countries, has been identified in 153 areas of environmental goods". However, in order to deal with air pollution and water purification devices as the center of the "environmental goods" so far the number is still very small.

Japanese companies in the field of environmental protection of the international competitiveness of goods is very strong, so the proposal on the abolition of tariffs is difficult to support other countries. However, the Japanese government official said: "in the future negotiations, will use some strategies to promote the implementation of this proposal. "

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