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LED era to do five points of professional products

Introduction: since I was used for reflection from the sharing, through the review from the mark, insights from practice, improvement in learning and experience; the following experiences roughly five points about our understanding of the LED era of professional products to meet the required.

1, light control technology

For the building space, the industrial design of lamps is important, which is related to the coordination of the whole space and the communion. But for the rendering effect of the light, not meet the expected requirements is intolerable. Therefore, the good lighting effect is the soul of the building space, is the absolute protagonist. Optical design and light control technology should be based on the actual needs of the function, in order to achieve the light of the building space for the purpose of performance. (a product manager to understand how important to understand application demand drops ah) controlled optical technology embodied in the design of light physical form and auxiliary materials, such as lenses, reflectors, filters, shading and glare light kit, collection, use, and light guide; plumpness, penetration and softness of the spot etc. the effect of imaging simulation, measurement, correction and implementation. In the light control technology, because the domestic industry started late, and the experience and quality is generally not high. In order to better explore and master the expertise of leading optics, we can learn, study, absorb and integrate ERCO, ENDO, iGuzzini, FLOS, Zumtobel and other international brands of light control principles and optical parameters. (summed up in one sentence: the division of Yi Long technology to make Yi)

In addition, the combination of architectural design, interior design, display design, display design, lighting design, such as the designer's recommendations and requirements, is committed to building space to achieve better lighting effects. (summed up in one sentence: the brain drain of various designers)

2, light product application

This part of the content will also be part of the optical, but the difference is no longer the effect of light spot and lumen, light intensity, such as the effect of light output. In the traditional era, halogen tungsten lamp because of the characteristics of heat, can be close to 100, but partial white color temperature relative to the missing. The fluorescent lamp can adjust the color temperature, but it is only suitable for the characteristics of the surface light, and obviously can not achieve higher requirements. And then to the HID metal halide lamp, the production process of complex and high technical requirements, the color temperature of the same diversity is difficult to break through, obviously only stay at about 90. The traditional solution is more through the color filter to achieve color adjustment, but also have the effect that cannot achieve the desired worry about personal gains and losses, and the standard. The LED will be able to effectively avoid the above deficiencies, can be used in the past can not meet the requirements of various light sources to make up and improve.

The arrival of the LED light source, because of its flexibility, we can more in-depth articles, according to the environment, style, color and so provide more suitable for different sensory experience or light, or even to provide reducinglow effect performance according to the light source RGB combination of a better color area. According to the actual needs of the R9-R14 to enhance the high degree of saturation of the color segment to enhance the color reduction of people and objects, and enhance the dramatic space and fresh.

3, drive and intelligent

The world is keen on LED, the main reason is that it can bring more traditional lighting can not break and achieve the function. Over the years, the intelligent technology of traditional lighting in general grasp of the very few have the core technology of electronic business application and popularization of the hand, rate is very low, the maturity of the technology is limited, only on the part of small projects, resulting in research and development, intelligent technology breakthrough, implementation and application in fact has not been great leap. In recent years, the intelligent lighting is based on the LED light source is ripe and fired very hot, the main reasons for the three:

LED era to do five points of professional products

First, after years of promotion and cost reduction, consumers are easy to accept, and LED intelligent application segment is relatively stable and mature, able to achieve a more prominent function, prompting the market demand growth;

Secondly, the arrival of the LED so that more entrepreneurs realize that the lighting industry, lighting industry today, electronic technology, the high added value is to promote the development of enterprises can not be a lack of core competitiveness;

Furthermore, performance practices become more personalized and unique architectural form, intelligent lighting can create visual feeling better, more humane space to meet the functional requirements, but also can better solve the problem of energy saving. Therefore, to the higher quality of the road to walk, lighting companies need to pay more attention to electronic technology.

4, product gene

In the era of traditional lighting, why the more mainstream brands do not have product identification? Because of the best-selling functional products are basically concentrated in a few single products, and the red leaves of the green leaves are usually concerned about the entire product line is very low. It is not difficult to find, all the differences between the traditional brand did not make any resolution on the product, more is reflected in the brand logo and color visual feeling; or, only from the channel characteristics and operation form their different direction on the reflected. Besides, what else can we see? And go the professional route to market segments of individual manufacturers, we recognized can only be understood as hardware accessories (i.e. lamp) do well, because imitation and manufacture is very low threshold, can reflect the difference is the process, it is one more effort only in hardware technology.

Into the LED era, although the supply chain supporting resources more mature and industrialization, the product becomes more simple, but also gives us the opportunity to create a manufacturing gap. Because of the high standards of product research and development costs, the cost of time and effort, mastery of professionalism and focus is a certain requirement. So, can spend the mind to deepen the planning of product lines, the continuation of the characteristics of the product design gene characteristics, reflecting the brand style, improve visual identity, adhere to the professional focus of the enterprise is relatively small. Although this route for a long time, slow, difficult, but still gave the best and refined business opportunities to become the industry highlights. Of course, from the business point of view, the risk of becoming martyrs will be greater. In the new era of LED lighting is a new way to operate, which gives managers a more severe test of judgment and control.

5, the product structure is rigorous, meticulous process, functional excellence

Professional products are also reflected in the function, process and structure, the user will be placed before the selection of products to compare and weigh the difference between products. On the details of the treatment is not good, in the appearance of the evaluation on the direct points, and sometimes even the optical evaluation has not yet, it has been kicked out of the door. Of course, the structure, function and process are often the most direct impact on product cost and production efficiency. However, choose to eat food that must have a choice, otherwise you can only lower the standard, the highest price, the so-called popular just toss out. To eliminate the homogenization of the situation, often in the product design needs to be updated on a regular basis, refining new technologies and highlights to reflect the advantages and differences on the function. Otherwise, under the Chinese characteristics of the market environment, the homogenization of vicious competition after being imitated, the only way to bring the company to cut profits naked, cut corners for the opportunity to bury the seeds. Driven by the interests of the operation and the pressure, we have no shortage of such examples can be cited.

For the production-oriented enterprises, the implementation of high standards, the cost of natural materials will be more, production processes and processing standards more difficult. If is the OEM production, you can also find another to achieve this not; but their factories must improve the processing system, staff training, strengthen quality control, to improve the quality of equipment, but this means that the increase in the overall cost. Therefore, the definition of the system and the operation of the system can support the realization of the goal is a major premise, only in the whole process of improving the standard, in the premise of the actual ability to control the pursuit, this is the way to operate. Otherwise, the high standards may just be an idealized farce.

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