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LED intelligent drive control to the?

Introduction: the impact of intelligent lighting industry by market consumer awareness, market environment, product price promotion and other, has been in a slow development of the situation, but with the LED product promotion and enhance the quality of life of the past two years, gradually take the heat.

Last year, Snowden exposed NSA prism program, so that people are worried about the future of high-tech, but the history is also proving that people's pursuit of convenience of life is far greater than their own privacy concerns. For example, the city lights with day and night automatically over adjust the brightness; people through all lighting control of intelligent mobile phone in flash; without the WIFI environment, the place with light can be connected to the Internet; in the supermarket, the lights in the room quickly locate they want to buy items...... Life is because of the realization of this intelligent technology and more convenient, but also the way in the pursuit of intelligent people continuously explore and advance, belongs to the intelligent era is coming, and the driving of intelligent products driving control whether something has been to? "Take the Internet Express, LED driver in 90s ushered in the new trend of intelligent of last century, the United States put forward the" green lighting plan ", since then, the world has the concept of green lighting and promotion to a certain extent, the concept of the intelligent lighting.

The impact of intelligent lighting industry by market consumer awareness, market environment, product price promotion and other, has been in a slow development of the situation, but with the LED product promotion and enhance the quality of life of the past two years, gradually take the heat.

LED intelligent drive control to the?

With the upgrade of the application, users can even use the device as a palette. With the development of networking technology, as an alternative LED lighting to catch the high-speed train trip to the intelligent, play its high controllability, LED drive, Zigbee transmission, WiFi gateway and other intelligent core technology continuous breakthrough and innovation, the future of smart LED market value will be unlimited.

Intelligent has: energy saving, safety, integration, expansibility and easy to use a variety of advantages, such as light environment, will play a great role in many fields, the more intelligent LED is realized through the power control. Industry experts have pointed out that the intelligent lighting control system of the dimming module, switch power, scene control panel, sensor and programmer, programming socket, PC monitoring machine independent control module is connected to the computer data line, composed of an independent lighting control system, which can realize intelligent management and automatic control of the lighting system. To create a comfortable lighting environment, conducive to the health of people, will become the new trend of the future development of lighting technology. This trend is particularly prominent in this year's Frankfurt exhibition.

Looking around the country, more and more enterprises began to get involved in the field of smart lighting and devoted great energy for development, some enterprises in the official website of the reporter learned that the driving power enterprises currently have LED intelligent power production.

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