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Light industry to actively promote energy-saving emission reduction

Efforts to achieve development in 11th Five-Year "industry and planning objectives

To achieve the goal of economic development in the future, the key is to make significant progress in accelerating the transformation of economic development pattern and improve the socialist market economy. We should vigorously promote the strategic readjustment of the economic structure, pay more attention to improving the ability of independent innovation, improve the level of energy conservation and environmental protection, and improve the overall quality of the economy and international competitiveness.

Day ago, experts Chinese Light Industry Association pointed out that the comprehensive in-depth implementation of Scientific Outlook on Development, the light industry is set off energy-saving emission reduction innovation climax.

Data show that in the light industry, papermaking industry accounted for about 2% of the energy industry, industrial wastewater emissions accounted for about 17% of the industry; consumption, power consumption of household appliances and lighting accounted for the total power consumption of about 1/4. Visible, although not a large energy consumption, but also a larger energy consuming industries, especially leather, paper, household appliances, lighting and other sectors of the consumer sector, energy saving is the focus. According to the 11th Five-Year planning requirements, in 11th Five-Year, the energy consumption per unit of GDP decreased by about 20%, the total emissions of major pollutants decreased by 10%. Light industry to achieve this goal of energy saving, long way to go.

Light industry energy-saving emission reduction task, the new road in many enterprises, have launched innovative climax.

In the leather industry, leather enterprises to take the initiative to adjust, to actively promote the development of energy-saving and emission reduction in continuous innovation. In Zhejiang Zhonghui fur Co., Ltd., they developed a total of 41 energy-saving emission reduction innovation program. After the implementation of the program, the reduction in emissions of China's fur pollution, waste water, soot, sulfur dioxide, waste decreased by 36%, respectively, compared with the original, 22%, 22% and 42%. In Yantai leather company, after several years of research, the residents living waste water into water can be reused, won the national patent technology, and its investment of nearly 2 million yuan, construction of water recycling plant, water used for leather production, nearly 90% a year instead of groundwater, saving 1 million cubic meters. Xinji Leather Co., Ltd. in Dongming, they are in the process of leather production using hair removal hair removal ash wastewater recycling this energy-saving environmental protection of the new technology, received remarkable results. Their operating data show that the process of water saving up to 50%, saving chemical raw materials of 58%, a year to reduce emissions of waste water by 100 thousand tons.

Chinese Leather Association official said, in order to promote the sustainable development of leather industry, at present, the new technical standard with leather, fur industrial pollution control technology policy, tannery industrial pollutants emission standards, wastewater treatment project technical specification and a series of being developed.

In the home appliance industry, China's household electrical appliance enterprises through technological innovation, has made a major breakthrough in energy saving. A household electrical appliance enterprises and technical personnel told reporters, "no fluoride, zero pollution" super energy-saving refrigerator technology, household air-conditioner fuzzy control technology, saving water and electricity saving washing machine technology and a series of new technologies, make a home appliance into electricity worthy of the name "small".

In the lighting industry, green lighting incandescent lamp has been steadily warming, "encirclement and suppression", LED market favor. At present, the market a wide range of energy-saving lamps, and more advanced technology and environmental protection to calculate the LED lights. LED lamp is a semiconductor light, 80% less than incandescent lamp, energy saving than fluorescent lamp 50%. In China, the real application of LED to ordinary lighting, it is undoubtedly Dalian Valley New Energy Company. The company developed a white LED energy-saving fluorescent lamps, street lamps and solar powered LED lighting products, so that white LED energy-saving fluorescent lamp, street lamp as a municipal engineering and household lighting source become a reality. At the same time, the company is the first domestic LED semiconductor light-emitting chip technology into public lighting products and successfully enter the market vendors.

At present, in the national development and Reform Commission for the implementation of "energy-saving and long-term planning goals and put forward ten major energy conservation projects, green lighting project" 11th Five-Year "period will form a capacity of 29 billion kwh electricity. The government also attaches great importance to the environmental protection and energy saving in the design and construction of lighting.

In papermaking industry, energy saving and emission reduction "vanguard" is even more dazzling. In Hainan Jinhai Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd., after the sewage treatment pool can be seen at any time in the goldfish cruising. According to the monitoring data provided by the national environmental monitoring center, the business unit product process drainage amount and pollutant emissions are much lower than similar enterprises in Europe and Japan, cleaner production indicators have reached the advanced level of the world.

Paper industry in people's minds, has been considered to be the major pollution, large consumption of resources. But the practice has proved that the pulp and paper can be a green industry, become a major environmental protection. The facts show that, in the process of wastewater purification, some advanced pulp and paper enterprises in China have adopted the processing technology, has reached the international advanced level. Such as Jiangsu Jindong paper, offset printing paper consumption is only 8.13m3/t, high-strength corrugated paper Tianjin Wanli water consumption is only 2.8m3/t. In the alkali recovery and utilization, China's pulp and paper enterprises is the world's full use of resources. At present, the alkali recovery rate of the pulp mill in China is more than 95%, and the alkali recovery rate is more than 70%. In the recycling of waste paper and pulp and paper, China is also in the forefront of the world. order

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