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Lighting LED lighting design standards need to advance

"Standard for lighting design of buildings" (GB500034-2004)

The evaluation index including lighting standards: operation or maintenance of the average illuminance on the reference plane, illuminance uniformity, unified glare rating (UGR) and the color index of illumination (Ra), color temperature and lighting power density limit (LPD).

The standard of comprehensive system, it includes a number of indicators of architectural lighting design (such as illumination), quality index (illuminance uniformity, glare control, light source color and color reflectance, etc.), lighting power density limit, lighting power distribution and control, covering residential buildings, public buildings (including the office building, the library (library renovation renderings), shops, theaters (Theater renovation renderings), hotel, hospital, school, Museum (Museum renovation renderings), exhibition hall) and lighting standard industrial buildings and energy-saving standards, and conducive to the implementation of the "lighting management and supervision" content, form a more complete architectural lighting design standards, to fill the gaps in the standard for lighting design of buildings.

A major change in the standard is the lighting power density increased, residential and commercial office, hotel, hospital, school and other 7 industrial buildings of 108 common room or place (LPD) the maximum allowable value, this is the first in the history of the lighting design standard of our country, to save energy, protect the environment and to achieve sustainable economic and social development has great role in promoting. In addition to the current value, but also provides the target value, has a certain forward-looking. In addition to residential buildings, the other 6 buildings LPD limit is a mandatory standard, because he who relates to the lighting efficiency of large quantity and extensive building limit, produce more light is required to use less electricity, in the lighting field effectively save energy, protect the environment, ensure the important topic of green lighting project of comprehensive and systematic implementation. LPD limit, will promote must fully consider and take into account the illumination level, lighting quality and efficiency in lighting design, promote the popularization and application in the design of more efficient light source, ballast, lamps and other products.

The standard of advanced technology, has some innovative and forward-looking, to save energy, protect the environment, improve the quality of lighting, green lighting, lighting technology plays an important role in promoting the progress and promotion of efficient lighting products. Its content and technical level, reached the same level of international standards.

"City road lighting design standards" (CJJ45-2006)

City Road Lighting appraisal standards: road lighting vehicle should take the average brightness (or average illuminance of road pavement), total surface brightness uniformity and longitudinal uniformity (or pavement illuminance uniformity), glare limit, and induced to the environment than the evaluation index; pedestrian road lighting should be on the road to average illuminance pavement, minimum illuminance and vertical illuminance for the evaluation index.

Motor vehicle traffic road lighting to the brightness of the road lighting as the evaluation system, which is based on the brightness of the designated road lighting standards. This is because the driver of the motor vehicle driving, the eyes directly feel the brightness of the road rather than illumination, so the basis for the development of a more scientific and reasonable brightness. At present, the international lighting Commission and most countries in the world are based on the brightness of the road lighting standards. However, the standard also accept the evaluation system. This is a transitional approach to China's national conditions. There are similar practices in the international community, such as the IESNA (North American Illuminating Engineering Society) in 2000, the standard issued in accordance with the provisions of the brightness and illuminance of two sets of evaluation systems and standards. However, in the case of conditions for the calculation and measurement of brightness, brightness should prevail. In the course of implementation of this standard, we tend to focus on the luminance (or illuminance value) and evenness, and often ignore the new standard for the threshold increment increase ratio, environment and glare restriction induced indicators, these indicators have a very important role for the lighting effect.

One of the main users of the road for pedestrians, pedestrians and drivers of different visual features, and can not be unified observation position, reflecting characteristics of the pavement are different, so the brightness index is not appropriate, so here the illuminance. CIE, IESNA and other organizations as well as Japan and other countries in their corresponding standards also have the same considerations and regulations. One of the most important visual activities of pedestrians on the pedestrian path is to see the faces of the opposite person, which requires the provision of adequate illumination on the vertical plane, and is usually evaluated by a semi cylindrical illuminance index. Taking into account the user's current acceptance of this standard, the standard used in the vertical illuminance evaluation index.

The lighting power density value (LPD) is used as the evaluation index of the lighting energy saving. There are many kinds of road lighting energy-saving measures, we can put these measures into three categories: one is from the aspects of energy saving measures for road lighting design stage, two energy saving measures during the operation, the three is the management of energy saving measures. In these three types of measures, the most important thing is that we are the two and the three category. In fact, the first type of lighting design is the most important, it is the leading energy saving, but also the key. Talk about it is the leader, because other measures are driven by it, are pre planning in the design; it is the most important because the energy efficiency indicators (or tasks) often rely on the design to complete, other measures can only play a supporting role. The newly revised "urban road lighting design standards" in the provisions of the motor vehicle traffic road lighting power density (LPD) limit value, it is for lighting design requirements. In other words, when the design is completed to ensure that the actual energy consumption is lower than the standard limit of LPD, the actual operation and management of the street lamp is only further measures to further reduce energy consumption as much as possible.

"Building energy-efficient construction quality acceptance" (GB50411-2007)

The promulgation and implementation of the system of national standards related to building energy efficiency further improved, not only for the quality acceptance of building energy-saving construction provides a unified technical requirements, but also for the implementation of building energy-saving design standards and the requirements of building energy conservation provides a strong technical support and has technical means of operation, strengthen the construction of the management of energy saving, energy saving guarantee project quality, achieve the goal of building energy efficiency, has important meaning and function. Both countries need to adapt to the construction of a conservation minded society, is the inevitable requirement of building energy saving to push, will effectively promote China's building energy-saving work carried out, to further improve the building energy-saving standard system, the implementation rate to fundamentally improve the construction of energy-efficient design. In the twelfth chapter, the paper gives the basis for acceptance of lighting energy saving project.

"Technical specification of city nightscape lighting" (JGJ/T163-2008)

The evaluation index of the urban nightscape lighting: the lighting evaluation index of buildings, structures and other landscape elements is taken by the way of brightness or illumination. The evaluation indexes of the outdoor public space such as the trail and the square are illuminated by the ground level illumination (1.5m).

The evaluation of advertising and logo lighting: light Advertising and logo illuminance uniformity in U1 (Lmin/Lmax) should be 0.6 ~ 0.8; advertising and identified by foreign investment lighting, should control the projection range, scattering to advertisements and identity outside the spill light should not exceed 20%; should be limited to advertising and logo lighting light pollution to the surrounding environment, and shall comply with the provisions of article 7.0.2 of this specification.

"Urban nightscape lighting design code" (CJJ/T163-2008) as the industry standard, since May 1, 2009 implementation. With the development of our economy, it is a new technical standard. The new standard draws lessons from the domestic and international research results of night lighting, so that our standards and the international advanced level. According to the scale and the environment of different cities, the standard values of illuminance and luminance of building floodlight are put forward.

The value of power density is used as the evaluation index of lighting energy saving in building facade. The maximum value of the power density of the building facade lighting is specified.

"Outdoor workplace lighting design standard" (GB50582-2010)

Criteria for the evaluation of building lighting: the average illuminance value, illuminance uniformity, color rendering index, uniform glare value on the working face or reference plane.

The standard is based on our current outdoor work site lighting development and summarize the main research and practice of lighting situation, and refer to the relevant standards of international lighting and some developed countries through analysis, research and verification after the development of the. It includes a number of indicators of outdoor work places of lighting design (illumination), quality index (light color, uniformity, glare restriction etc.), various places (airports, railway stations, ports, shipyards, oil chemical plant, gas station, power plant, substation, power and thermal power plant, the construction site, parking lot, water supply and sewage treatment plant) lighting requirements, lighting, power distribution and control measures of energy saving lighting and lighting conducive to the implementation of the maintenance and management of content. Based on the full, accurate and reliable technical content, practical.

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