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The policy of a strong push LED lighting is becoming dangerous?

The introduction of these policies, with a view of a shot in the arm for LED enterprises, and then in the back of the questioning voice as cheerful as a lark, more and more. So, what is the policy of mandatory implementation of LED lighting industry to remedy, or poison? What is not necessary because of the mandatory promotion materials market and construction site management of exterior insulation is not standardized, has triggered a number of catastrophic building fire, causing irreparable loss, "implementation plan for the issuance of Guangdong Province in May the government of the" Guangdong province to promote the use of LED lighting products, Dongguan, Shenzhen, Taishan, Shantou, Zhongshan and other places have introduced a mandatory LED lighting solutions.

In addition, Hubei, Tianjin, Zhejiang, Hebei and other places have introduced a similar policy. The introduction of these policies, with a view of a shot in the arm for LED enterprises, and then in the back of the questioning voice as cheerful as a lark, more and more.

So, what is the policy of mandatory implementation of LED lighting industry to remedy, or poison? What is not necessary because of the mandatory promotion materials market and construction site management of exterior insulation is not standardized, has triggered a number of catastrophic building fire, causing irreparable loss, the central ministries has issued a public. The word No. [2009]46 and No. [2011]65 to regulate public fire prevention of building fire.

So, LED lighting industry is necessary to carry out the promotion of the lighting and insulation, flooring, such as the introduction of a mandatory promotion or prohibit the use of standard industry is very different. Insulation, floor and other industries if we allow the market to choose, not the introduction of mandatory national laws and regulations, some enterprises will choose low price but easy to cause safety accidents in order to minimize the cost of the products, so as to bring great security risks.

In the lighting industry, there is no security problems at the same time, the traditional energy-saving lighting industry in both technology and market, are just the most mature stage, even in some areas but also far higher than the price of LED lamp.

Therefore, in this case, mandatory promotion of LED lighting is obviously not necessary.

In the long run and mandatory promotion of enterprises, industries have no profit in May the Guangdong provincial government issued the "Guangdong province to promote the use of LED lighting products plan", Guangdong Zhongshan LED lighting company - Verizon Nico Lighting System Technology Co. company an open letter to the Guangdong provincial government in its corporate official blog, the Title is "Guangdong will be changed to LED all street lamps will be a disaster!", in a letter from a technical point of view a detailed statement of the technical defects of LED lamps used in street lamps are pointed out in the present stage, "LED as a new type of high efficient light source, to replace incandescent lamp, fluorescent lamp has irreplaceable advantages, but to replace the sodium lamp in addition to color than sodium strong outside, without any advantage!" why do companies do not pretend not to see these problems, but to give their subsidies to go? Because from the deep perspective of mandatory May seal the market".

A reluctance to disclose the names of well-known lighting business executives told reporters that "mandatory and government subsidies will make the current technology is still not mature LED products flooding the market, and even some quality substandard products also removed them, will seriously affect the image of the LED lamp in the mass in the heart.

At the same time, it will have to rely on mandatory and subsidies to make part of the business, and not all the core technology to overcome the barriers; on the other hand, a part of a strong investment in scientific research enterprise, leading to deal with non technology factor prices, also unable to engage in scientific research.

The result of such a vicious cycle is likely to make some enterprises and even the whole industry to lose vitality, but also in the international competition.

There's no reason to accept such money market depends on a product if you need it welcomed by the general public, mandatory? I've never heard of, series of products of Apple Corp all over the world is the result of mandatory. In contrast, mandatory LED lighting energy-saving lamp installed the original road, public buildings and roads on both sides of the street are still can work normally, even with subsidies and reduced the LED lamp of the purchase price, but the construction process will still be costly, resulting in tremendous waste.

From this, the installation of the LED lamp is able to save energy, but it paid a huge amount of investment is not necessary, obviously no reason to lose money to save money". LED lighting as a green lighting, its energy saving is beyond doubt, but it is also one of the general direction of the development of the lighting industry.

However, this type of promotion government spoil things by excessive enthusiasm, it may be counterproductive. Because in order to get the favor of the public, just with the environmental protection and energy is not enough, the price is also returning from the roots of the aristocracy, which requires LED lights in the look and use, to achieve energy saving and win-win goal.

At that time, as long as the LED lamp technology to achieve maturity, quality gradually excellent, the price has been reduced to the acceptable range of the public, lighting projects do not need to be enforced, the people will make a profit seeking rational choice. Otherwise, only the promotion of LED lighting's "public" or "private", the government is not too "love", but may be used to "enterprise, not eliminated but hidden food handed out in contempt" greater risk.

To strengthen the administrative means is excessive digging in the corner of market economy if low carbon life is a kind of quality, then the LED lamp must withstand the test of the market, the government departments to give support to the industry is very necessary, but at the same time to go to the market, the survival of the fittest operation, forced industry bigger and stronger.

Otherwise, the role of excessive administrative means in the industry, from the overall trend of economic development, it is obviously out of date. An insider bluntly the government should "the promotion of LED should not be forced to use subsidies and, LED lighting design enterprises to conduct scientific experiments of subsidies and tax breaks, government intervention in the market will only make the enterprise instant success, and to research subsidies and tax cuts.

Thus, how to use administrative means to regulate the economy still seems unable to avoid. Therefore, it is not necessary to implement compulsory, but also for the enterprise, industry, the public is not good, and even cause harm, the relevant local governments and departments should be careful.

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Source: Sina Real Estate

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